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PHOTO⟩ A jealous man also supports Magoni at the publishing festival – Celebrities

The cover of the book is decorated with a painting depicting mother and daughter, and Poppy does not hide – such a drawing is not chosen by chance. The poetry collection is a gift to her daughter Magnolia Latvia, who has recently celebrated her first anniversary. If others give children temporary items, then she has long wanted to give her daughter a unique and lasting value.

At the remote presentation event of the new collection, Magone had specially dressed and pinned a giant flower to the costume, receiving more than one compliment from her talent lovers.

She had also invited her friend and colleague Jan Ikeu, who is the author of the afterword of the poetry book, to the improvised party. In a fun atmosphere, both answered questions from fans, read poems, but Magone also provided a broader insight into how her verses are made and where to find inspiration for them. It turns out that the right words tend to come to her even early in the morning, which the show star is quick to write down immediately. “It simply came to our notice then. There are feelings and there is a moment. If the two coincide, a poem emerges. If they don’t match, then the day, the two aren’t either. Maybe the poem just hasn’t found the right moment to be born, “said Magone during the event.

She has also created this collection of poetry under the pseudonym Magone Liedeskalns and thinks that if there is a next collection, then it could be called “Poppy Souls”, emphasizing more philosophical and even deeper values ​​of her life.

After the online meeting with the fans, Magoni was also greeted by the children and her husband Žanis, who had dressed up in honor of the event and surprised his wife with a bouquet of flowers. As you know, the couple until recently had disagreements – Žanis, jealous, returned from abroad and rebuked Magone for distrust. True, Magone insisted that although the spark between her and the poet had risen, there was nothing more and the husband had no right to blame her.

Photo: Opening ceremony of Poppy’s new poetry collection

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