together with you Should not dodate, just be present.♪♪Jorge: It’s time to see howwill those temperatures be in thesouth of our state, intucson tomorrow and all the rest ofthe week we will have skies withquite cloudy even therain would come half ofweek, Wednesday is verydifferent the panorama inflagstaff since there is snowpresent tuesday, wednesday andThursday, also Saturday. thecloudiness will be every day andthe highest temperaturesThey will arrive next Monday with47 degrees. in scottsdale andfor the next few hourspeaks in the valleys in 69,increased to 71 even 72 to2:00 in the afternoon butwill drop to 69 by 8:00of the night. we repeat that thecloudiness will be present in thevalley throughoutthe afternoon, there is no presence ofrain remember to stopcheck these temperaturesyou can load another applicationunivision forget notifications of theweather alerts and warningsthat we mentioned at the beginningfor example about thefloods that are not