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Phoenix residence is financed – Einsiedler Anzeiger

Ordinary meeting of the Schwyz Cantonal Council, Wednesday, February 24, 2021

The main purpose of the half-day Cantonal Council meeting is to approve the support package for the Schwyz economy. In addition, the council almost unanimously approved the financing of the Phönix dormitory in Einsiedeln.


The February session begins with a vehement plea for easing the lockdown by Urs Marty (SVP, Altendorf). Jonathan Prelicz (SP, Arth) describes the vote as a shame for the canton of Schwyz.

The epidemiological situation in the canton

Landammann Petra Steimen speaks about the corona situation.

She recalls the situation in Italy a year ago. In the meantime, the virus has changed our lives; the economy must be sustained. We can only master the crisis together. 168 people are currently infected, seven are in the hospital. 11,678 vaccinations have been administered. All retirement and nursing homes are vaccinated if requested. The government council wants to open faster. He would like to open the catering and other offers from March 1st. The demand is now in Bern. For Petra Steimen, the next few weeks are decisive: But everyone has to participate.

Support package Corona 2021

Peter Meyer (CVP, Galgenen) outlines the new Corona 2021 support package. It is about participation in the second hardship support package launched by the federal government. With a contribution of 3.8 million francs, 7.8 million francs can be raised from the federal government. The aids are intended to cover the fixed costs of commercial enterprises. They are paid out as A fund perdu contributions.

Thomas Haas (SVP, Lachen) starts to lament about the federal measures, but supports the cantonal program. Heinz Theiler (FDP, Arth) emphasizes that at least half of the companies are negatively affected by Corona. He gives good grades to the way the canton has handled the aid to date. For Leo Camenzind (SP, Ingenbohl) the aid package is undisputed. He also advocates covering a third of the rental costs for unused commercial space. Paul Schnüriger (CVP, Rothenthurm) would never have thought that today’s step would be necessary at some point. Michael Spirig (GLP, Schübelbach) believes that long-term perspectives should also be supported. Nevertheless, help is needed quickly and easily. He welcomes the idea that the canton, tradespeople and landlords share the rental costs. Oliver Flühler (SVP, Freienbach) defends himself against the package. The federal government has decreed that it should also pay 100 percent.

Bruno Beeler (CVP, Arth) defends himself against the fact that we are helpers to the Federal Council. Everything happened so far within the framework of the legal requirements and to the best of our knowledge and belief. It is decided with 90: 3 votes to enter into the business.

Contributions instead of credits

Government councilor Andreas Barraud summarizes the key points of the support package 2021 before the detailed consultation. Unlike other cantons, Schwyz pays contributions and does not grant loans. This has a high impact. Around 30,000 people should benefit from it. To date, over 400 applications have been dealt with, resulting in payments of around CHF 12.5 million. 60 percent of the requests concern gastronomy and fitness, followed by the retail trade. Bankruptcies are not in sight at the moment.

Finally, Economics Director Barraud mentions that the federal government is already working on a further aid package.

Bruno Beeler (CVP, Arth) points out that today’s package does not cover all needs by a long way. The office for economy speaks of 60 million francs. We also have to think of those who do not meet the hardship criteria. Roger Brändli (CVP, Reichenburg) comments on the distribution of the money. The canton pays contributions. But it has stricter criteria than the federal government. He would like to have them checked by Stawiko.

Bernhard Diethelm (SVP, Vorderthal) describes the previous measures as arbitrary and dictatorial. Jonathan Prelicz (SP, Arth) understands that we are corona tired. From dictatorship

but cannot be spoken.

Antoine Chaix (SP, Einsiedeln) recognizes that a relaxation corresponds to the general mood of the population. The previous precautionary measures are effective. Relaxation brings health risks, but can be indicated for the general good. Ruedi Bopp (GLP, Einsiedeln) would like to stick to the facts in the opening debate. “Fast” is not crucial. – The aid package is clearly approved with 87: 3 votes.

Three-thirds solution for business rents?

Andreas Marty (SP, Einsiedeln) deals with the rents of commercial space. The rental property cannot be used during Corona, but the interest must be paid. There are amicable solutions, but not enough. In a motion, he advocates dividing the landlord, tenant and canton into thirds. For Mathias Bachmann (CVP, Küssnacht) the decided measures are sufficient. Michael Fedier (GLP, laughing), on the other hand, understands the matter.

Roland Lutz (SVP, Einsiedeln) sees responsibility with the state and not with the landlord. The matter does not find a majority with 25 to 64 and will not be pursued further.

No discrimination in procurement

Bruno Hasler (CVP, Schübelbach) advocates taking different price levels abroad / Switzerland into account in public tenders. This gives the local industry a fair chance. Martin Brun (SVP, Sattel) supports the project. He doesn’t want work to be exported. Richard Spirig (GLP, Schübelbach) understands the matter. However, he emphasizes that the new federal law moves away from price alone and the quality of a service comes to the fore. Therefore a cantonal regulation is superfluous. Heinz Theiler (FDP, Arth) as a tradesman, however, would like a cantonal regulation. Opposition comes from the administrations. Ruedi Bopp (GLP, Einsiedeln) warns against return carriages from abroad. Government councilor André Rüegsegger understands the matter and warns against false expectations. He would like to wait for the implementation of the federal government. The concern is explained considerably with 78:14 as a motion.

Use your own resources in the canton

Martin Brun (SVP, Sattel) wants to use more regional resources such as wood, gravel and stones from the canton of Schwyz. Michael Spirig (GLP, Schübelbach) explains that geographical criteria are difficult. On the other hand, one can demand the lowest possible CO2 content and thus achieve the goal. Django Betschart (CVP, Ingenbohl) is committed to a circular economy. Dominik Zehnder (FDP, Freienbach) has no understanding of import bans from other cantons. Our economic area is Switzerland. The postulate is explained considerably against the will of the government with 70:18.

Contribution to the Phoenix Foundation

Peter Dettling (FDP, Lauerz) comments on the new construction of the Phoenix Foundation on the Gotthardstall area in Einsiedeln. He points out the long planning process. A two-thirds majority of the people of Einsiedeln made the property available. The need for 30 people is clearly shown. The Commission requests approval.

Anni Zehnder (CVP, Einsiedeln) outlines the task of the foundation. She also points out the miserable condition of the previous dormitory. No luxury building is planned. The location is ideal. The people affected are right in the middle of society. Many live there permanently or for a very long time. You are at home there. Willy Kälin (FDP, Freienbach) supports the project.

Ralf Schmid (SVP, Schübelbach) explains the previous planning phases. The project is well founded and meets the current requirements.

Sacha Bungert (GLP, Schwyz) speaks of a convincing project. Franz Camenzind (SP, Einsiedeln) emphasizes the foundation’s commitment over the past decades. Finally, Landammann Petra Steimen supports the business wholeheartedly. The expenditure approval of 11.9 million francs is clearly approved with 85: 2.

Legislative program 2021–2022

Landammann Petra Steimen will speak on the 2021-2022 legislative program. 18 new laws are planned. Willy Gisler (SVP, Riemenstalden) is interested in the secondary school law or the personnel law. His group approves the program. The GLP also says yes. Ruedi Bopp (GLP, Einsiedeln), however, thinks that the Transparency Act comes very late. He also requests that the topic of cycle paths should be included. Carmen Mettler (SP, Freienbach) misses an active shaping of the future and rejects the program.

Government councilor André Rüegsegger explains that a bicycle law is coming too early because the federal government is not yet ready. The Bopp application is assessed as admissible (55:38), but rejected at 58:30. However, the legislative program found a clear majority of 74: 7.

Mrs. Landammann Petra Steimen in the Cantonal Council the day before yesterday: “The mask is worn as naturally as socks.” Photo: Jürg auf der Maur

By granting a loan, the Phönix Foundation has cleared another hurdle for its new building on the Gotthardstall area in Einsiedeln (photo).

Photo: Victor Kälin

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