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PHOENIX program Mon, 15.03. on tvheute.at

Tissue 06:0006:45 06:0006:45
The most beautiful natural paradises in the southwest
LANDSCAPE PICTURE rocks, lakes, deep gorges, D 2014

The southwest of Germany has more than 20,000 nature reserves, almost 5,000 lakes, 40,000 kilometers of streams and rivers and countless forests, heaths, moors and rocky mountains. The documentation presents the most beautiful natural paradises in the southwest. This includes the large nature parks in the Black Forest and Eifel as well as the small natural paradises that are sometimes only as big as a football pitch. For more than 40,000 animal and plant species, the southwest is the “free wilderness”, for 15 million people the “wilderness on the doorstep”.

Tissue 06:4507:30 06:4507:30
The most beautiful natural paradises in the southwest
LANDSCAPE PICTURE Forests, streams, dark caves, D 2014

More than 20,000 nature reserves, almost 5,000 lakes, mountains, forests – and numerous animal species: the southwest is a natural paradise – on land, in the water and in the air. Streams and rivers run through around 40,000 kilometers, and countless forests, heaths, moors and rocky mountains extend. This includes the large nature parks in the Black Forest and Eifel as well as the small natural paradises that are sometimes only as big as a football pitch.

Tissue 07:3008:00 07:3008:00
Mystical southern Black Forest
DOCUMENTATION Sagas, legends and magical places, D 2019

In the southern Black Forest there are plenty of mystical places, places of power and mysterious places. Often there are mysterious stories about these places of worship. They exert an undreamt-of attraction on the people who visit them. The Heidenkirche on the Lochberg in the Ortenau is such a place of power – huge sandstone cliffs, huge stone blocks. Presumably it used to be a place of pagan rites.

Tissue 08:0014:00 08:0014:00 phoenix on site
ZEITGESCHEHEN election review Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg

Tissue 14:0014:45 14:0014:45
phoenix on site

Tissue 14:4516:00 14:4516:00
phoenix plus

Tissue 16:0016:45 16:0016:45
Operation vaccine
DOCUMENTATION The difficult way out of the pandemic, 2021

A vaccine against COVID-19 is considered the only exit strategy in the fight against the virus. And the goal now seems to be within reach: some developers are about to get their vaccine approved – one of them is the Mainz company BioNtech. Nevertheless, the public mood fluctuates between hope for an end to the pandemic and skepticism about vaccines that may not have been adequately tested. How viable is the hope for a vaccine really, in other words: will a vaccine actually herald the end of the pandemic and a return to “normal life”?

Tissue 16:4517:30 16:4517:30
Spain’s fight with Corona
FOREIGN REPORTS Travel through a shaken country, D 2021

Catastrophic conditions in hospitals, eerily empty inner cities and days on which up to a thousand people died: in hardly any country has Corona left such devastation as in Spain. The epidemic has taken what defines their lives at record speed: the close cohesion of the extended family, greetings with kisses and hugs, the noisy life outside – on the street, in parks, cafés and restaurants. ARD correspondent Natalia Bachmayer traveled for around a year for phoenix through a country that has been particularly hard hit by the pandemic, but the reporter also sheds light on signals of hope and change.

Tissue 17:3018:00 17:3018:00 phoenix the day

Tissue 18:0018:30 18:0018:30 Current report

Tissue 18:3019:15 18:3019:15
The most beautiful natural paradises in the southwest
LANDSCAPE PICTURE rocks, lakes, deep gorges, D 2014

The southwest of Germany has more than 20,000 nature reserves, almost 5,000 lakes, 40,000 kilometers of streams and rivers and countless forests, heaths, moors and rocky mountains. The documentation presents the most beautiful natural paradises in the southwest. This includes the large nature parks in the Black Forest and Eifel as well as the small natural paradises that are sometimes only as big as a football pitch. For more than 40,000 animal and plant species, the southwest is the “free wilderness”, for 15 million people the “wilderness on the doorstep”.

Tissue 19:1520:00 19:1520:00
The most beautiful natural paradises in the southwest
LANDSCAPE PICTURE Forests, streams, dark caves, D 2014

More than 20,000 nature reserves, almost 5,000 lakes, mountains, forests – and numerous animal species: the southwest is a natural paradise – on land, in the water and in the air. Streams and rivers run through around 40,000 kilometers, and countless forests, heaths, moors and rocky mountains extend. This includes the large nature parks in the Black Forest and Eifel as well as the small natural paradises that are sometimes only as big as a football pitch.

20:0020:15 20:0020:15 daily News

Tissue 20:1521:00 20:1521:00
8mm DDR
DOCUMENTATION (sequence: 1), D 2020

Around 100,000 amateur filmmakers shot countless minutes of film on 8mm, Super 8 or even 16mm in the GDR.  These very private testimonies to the GDR cultural history tell - sometimes true to the line, sometimes harmless, sometimes hidden erotic, sometimes subversive of life in the GDR.

Around 100,000 amateur filmmakers shot countless minutes of film on 8mm, Super 8 or even 16mm in the GDR. These very private testimonies to the GDR cultural history tell – sometimes true to the line, sometimes harmless, sometimes hidden erotic, sometimes subversive of life in the GDR. What emerges from this polyphonic choir of amateur chronicles is nothing less than an authentic, unadorned picture of GDR reality – a look at everyday life in the East with all its facets.

Tissue 21:0021:45 21:0021:45
8mm DDR
DOCUMENTATION (sequence: 2), 2017

Around 100,000 amateur filmmakers shot countless minutes of film on 8mm, Super 8 or even 16mm in the GDR.  These very private testimonies to the GDR cultural history tell - sometimes true to the line, sometimes harmless, sometimes hidden erotic, sometimes subversive of life in the GDR.

Much of what was filmed fell under the state control of the 500 film clubs. But not everything: Film images were also made that were not ideological, on film rolls that were “left over”. Because there wasn’t an abundance of them, every second of the film was considered, weighed and kept short. Long film runs are the exception, you had to be economical and get along frugally with what was available.

21:4522:15 21:4522:15 today’s Journal

22:1523:00 22:1523:00 under the linden trees

Tissue 23:0000:00 23:0000:00 phoenix the day

00:0000:45 00:0000:45 under the linden trees

Tissue 00:4501:30 00:4501:30
8mm DDR
DOCUMENTATION (sequence: 1), D 2020

Around 100,000 amateur filmmakers shot countless minutes of film on 8mm, Super 8 or even 16mm in the GDR. These very private testimonies to the GDR cultural history tell – sometimes true to the line, sometimes harmless, sometimes hidden erotic, sometimes subversive of life in the GDR. What emerges from this polyphonic choir of amateur chronicles is nothing less than an authentic, unadorned picture of GDR reality – a look at everyday life in the East with all its facets.

Tissue 01:3002:15 01:3002:15
8mm DDR
DOCUMENTATION (sequence: 2), 2017

Much of what was filmed fell under the state control of the 500 film clubs. But not everything: Film images were also made that were not ideological, on film rolls that were “left over”. Because there wasn’t an abundance of them, every second of the film was considered, weighed and kept short. Long film runs are the exception, you had to be economical and get along frugally with what was available.

Tissue 02:1503:00 02:1503:00
Wild Germany
LANDSCAPE The Palatinate Forest, D 2012

The Palatinate Forest is located in southwest Germany, not far from the French border. Colorful sandstone cliffs as well as countless castles and ruins tower over the pine-scented pine forests. The wine route running on the eastern edge of the Palatinate Forest invites you to linger with its romantic wine villages. Here, in one of the warmest regions in Germany, nature established itself in a Mediterranean way centuries ago. It is not for nothing that the Palatinate Forest is known as the Tuscany of Germany.

Tissue 03:0003:45 03:0003:45
The Moselle

Steep slopes and magnificent views, the Moselle is one of the most breathtaking rivers in Germany. But working on its shores has never been easy. Nevertheless, young people in particular are choosing to live on the Moselle again – in France, Luxembourg and Germany.

Tissue 03:4504:30 03:4504:30
Our Rhine
DOCUMENTATION In the Flow of History, 2020

The Rhine is a natural phenomenon and a supplier of drinking water, it drives machines, and goods and cultural assets have been transported on it for centuries. It forms borders and is a theater of war until the 20th century. Bridges span it as a symbol of unity. Factory facilities bear witness to industrialization in the 19th century and the economic boom after the Second World War. Untamed in the Alps, straightened near Worms – our Rhine has many faces. Many scenes of German history lie on its banks. Andreas Fath discovers them swimming.

Tissue 04:3005:15 04:3005:15
Our Rhine
DOCUMENTATION Treasures of Romanticism, 2020

The Middle Rhine Valley has been a place of longing since the Romantic era. Artists of all stripes were inspired by its wild nature, the castles and palaces and numerous myths and legends. There are 325 different settings of Heinrich Heine’s famous Loreley poem alone. The painter William Turner immortalized the landscape in countless watercolors. The American occupation soldiers were so fascinated by the “Rhine” that after the Second World War they filmed how “special” people lived here.

Tissue 05:1506:00 05:1506:00
Wild Scandinavia
LANDSCAPE Denmark, D 2011

The 7-part NDR nature film series “Wild Scandinavia” presents the rough, untamed nature of the far north with overwhelming images. Thanks to long shooting times with HD camera technology, breathtaking flights and elaborate macro shots, time-lapse and super slow-motion shots, internationally renowned animal filmmakers have succeeded in creating unique scenes – Scandinavia as has never been seen before.

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