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Phoenix Heat Wave Puts Elderly and Homeless at Risk: Urgent Measures Needed

ard⁤ to‍ get out of​ poverty when you’re ⁢spending so much⁢ on just trying to stay cool.”

The extreme⁢ heat in Phoenix is not only affecting the elderly and ​homeless, but also ‌those who are struggling to afford the high costs of⁢ air conditioning. With temperatures consistently reaching above 110 degrees Fahrenheit, the​ city has become a ‌dangerous place for⁤ those without access to cool ⁢shelter.

Paramedic Crispin Chavira of the Phoenix‌ Fire‍ Department has noticed an⁤ increase in distress calls related to the heat. He recalls responding‍ to a 911 call for a man⁢ in distress at Cortez Park, where fire crews used​ a harness filled with ice and ‌cool water to save ⁤his life. The fire​ department ​has also come up ⁢with innovative ways to cool individuals ⁢on ‍the scene, such as creating ‍ice baths immediately.

Air ​conditioning has become a lifeline ⁣for many in​ Phoenix, but the high costs associated with running it have forced some to cut back. Evan Mallen, a senior analyst for Georgia Institute of Technology’s Urban⁢ Climate Lab, warns that ​the current ⁤level of heat ​in Phoenix is extremely ‍dangerous for those who cannot afford to operate their​ air‍ conditioners. Some residents, like Camille Rabany, have developed their own strategies to keep cool while minimizing ‌their⁤ utility bills. Rabany⁢ tracks the on-peak and off-peak schedule of her utility​ and keeps her home at a higher temperature ‍during the most expensive hours. However, this strategy is not feasible for everyone, especially those‌ on limited incomes.

The ​elderly population is particularly vulnerable during this heatwave. Many seniors are keeping their thermostats at 80 degrees Fahrenheit to save money, according to‍ Katie Martin of the Foundation for Senior Living. Additionally, ⁤older individuals often lack a support network and may not have⁢ anyone to turn ⁤to⁤ in⁣ case of air conditioner breakdowns. The Salvation Army has stepped in to provide relief, offering cooling stations​ across the Phoenix area. Lt. Colonel Ivan Wild, ⁣commander of the organization’s southwest division, has seen an increase in visitors this year, many of whom ​cannot afford their electricity bills or do not ⁣have adequate air conditioning.

The high costs of air conditioning ‌have far-reaching consequences. Marilyn Brown, a⁣ professor at⁣ Georgia Tech, explains that people are forced​ to‌ cut spending ‌in other ⁤areas, such‍ as medicine or transportation, in order to afford cooling their homes. ​This⁤ perpetuates a cycle of poverty that is difficult⁤ to ⁢break.

As⁣ the heatwave ⁢continues to grip Phoenix, ⁤it ‍is clear that immediate action⁤ is‌ needed to protect the most vulnerable ⁢members‍ of the community. ⁢Access to affordable cooling‌ options and support services for ​those without air conditioning is crucial to prevent further harm and alleviate the financial burden on residents.Elderly and homeless individuals in Phoenix are facing ‍extreme ⁤vulnerability in the​ city’s unrelenting heatwave. With temperatures peaking at or above 110 degrees Fahrenheit for ​the 23rd consecutive day, the situation has ‌become increasingly ⁤dangerous.

Paramedic and engineer Crispin Chavira of the Phoenix Fire Department expressed​ concern over the impact of the heat on vulnerable individuals. ⁤He mentioned⁢ receiving calls ⁤about people ⁣who have not moved in ⁢the scorching heat, which is highly abnormal. Fire​ crews have been responding to distress calls and‍ utilizing techniques such as placing individuals in harnesses filled with ice and cool water to save lives.

Air ‌conditioning has become a lifeline for‍ residents in Phoenix, as the⁢ intense heat poses ‌significant risks. Jonathan ‌Bean, co-director⁤ of‌ the Institute for Energy Solutions at the University of Arizona, ⁣explained that without ‍air conditioning, houses become⁤ like “air fryers” or “broilers,” with the⁣ roof absorbing and radiating powerful heat. However, some residents are cutting back on⁤ AC usage due ⁣to fears of high electricity bills.

Camille Rabany, a resident ⁣of Phoenix, has developed her ‍own ​system ​to ⁣keep herself ⁤and her dog cool during the heatwave. By⁣ tracking her utility’s on-peak and off-peak schedule and using a smart thermostat, Rabany keeps her home ​at a higher temperature⁤ during the most expensive ⁤hours. She also⁣ uses fans and ‍a cooling bed for her ‌dog to cope with the heat.

The heatwave has also highlighted the challenges faced by elderly individuals⁢ on limited incomes. Many‍ seniors are keeping their thermostats at 80 degrees Fahrenheit to save money, according to Katie Martin ⁤of the Foundation for Senior Living. Lack of support networks and air conditioner breakdowns further ⁢exacerbate the risks faced by older individuals.

The Salvation Army has⁢ set up ‌11 cooling stations across Phoenix to provide relief for ‌those‌ who cannot afford electricity bills or lack ⁢adequate air‌ conditioning. Lt.‌ Colonel Ivan ⁣Wild,‌ commander of the organization’s ​southwest division, shared​ stories of ⁤elderly individuals seeking respite at the‍ cooling centers due to the⁤ high cost of running air conditioning.

Marilyn⁣ Brown, a professor at Georgia‌ Tech, emphasized the financial burden of high air conditioning bills, ‌which ⁤often ⁣force people to cut spending in other​ areas such as medicine or transportation costs. This⁣ cycle of ⁤poverty becomes difficult to escape once individuals are caught up in the energy ‍burden and poverty.

The Salvation Army estimates that ⁣since May ⁣1, they have provided heat relief to nearly 24,000 people and distributed ⁢almost 150,000 water bottles in Arizona and Southern Nevada.

The extreme ⁤heat and its⁢ impact on vulnerable populations in Phoenix serve as ⁤a ‌reminder of the urgent need for support and‍ resources to ensure ‌the well-being of those most affected by the heatwave.
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How does the lack of affordable cooling options⁢ contribute to the perpetuation ‌of poverty?

Due to the high costs associated with running it. Evan Mallen, a senior ⁢analyst at the Georgia Institute of Technology, warns⁣ that this can be extremely‌ dangerous for those who cannot afford to cool their‌ homes. Camille Rabany, ⁢a resident of Phoenix, has found creative ways to keep cool​ while minimizing utility bills, but not everyone has the ​means to do so.

The elderly population is particularly vulnerable during this heatwave. Many seniors are keeping their⁢ thermostats at higher temperatures ​to save money.⁤ Katie ​Martin of the Foundation for Senior Living explains that ⁤older individuals often lack​ a support network and may not have anyone to turn to in case of air conditioner breakdowns. The Salvation⁣ Army has been⁣ providing cooling stations across the ​city‍ to help those ‌in need.

The financial burden of ⁣air conditioning has far-reaching consequences. Marilyn Brown, a ⁢professor at Georgia Tech, explains ​that people are forced to cut spending ⁢in other areas, such as healthcare and transportation, in⁤ order to afford cooling their homes. ​This perpetuates a cycle of poverty​ that is difficult to ⁣break.

Immediate action ​is needed⁤ to protect the most vulnerable members‌ of the​ community. Access ‍to affordable cooling options and support ⁢services for those without air conditioning is crucial. Relief⁤ organizations like the Salvation ​Army⁣ are providing ⁢assistance, but‌ more needs to be done ⁢to alleviate the financial ​burden and⁣ prevent further harm.

As the heatwave continues to grip Phoenix, it is clear that addressing this issue is ​crucial. Ensuring that everyone has access to⁢ affordable cooling and⁤ support services is essential in order to protect vulnerable individuals and ⁣prevent ⁤the perpetuation ⁣of poverty.

2 thoughts on “Phoenix Heat Wave Puts Elderly and Homeless at Risk: Urgent Measures Needed”

  1. This heat wave demands immediate action to protect vulnerable populations like the elderly and homeless. Urgent measures, such as increasing access to cooling shelters and providing outreach services, are necessary to prevent tragic consequences.

  2. This scorching heat wave in Phoenix has become a grave concern, especially for the vulnerable elderly and homeless populations. Urgent action and measures are crucial to ensure their safety and well-being during this unbearable weather. Let’s mobilize resources and support these at-risk groups by providing shelters, water, and other essential provisions. Their lives are in jeopardy, and we cannot delay in taking immediate steps to protect them from the scorching heat.


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