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PHOENIX group with solid growth in the 2020/21 financial year

  • In a pandemic, PHOENIX proves to be the backbone of health care
  • Increase in sales (28.2 billion euros) and EBITDA (653.4 million euros)
  • Expansion of the position in the pharmaceutical wholesaling and pharmacy business
  • Continued growth in Germany, the largest market
  • Focus on digitization

The PHOENIX group has further strengthened its leading position in pharmaceutical wholesaling and pharmacy retailing in Europe in a challenging financial year 2020/21 (January 31, 2021) shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. The company increased its sales by 3.2 percent compared to the previous year to 28.2 billion euros. The overall performance indicator, which is relevant for pharmaceutical wholesaling, increased by 4.0 percent to 35.9 billion euros during this period. It is made up of sales revenues and the volume of goods moved. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) grew from EUR 603.6 million to EUR 653.4 million. This corresponds to an increase of 8.3 percent.

Successful business year thanks to employees
Sven Seidel, Chairman of the Management Board of PHOENIX Pharma SE, emphasizes: “We were able to increase our sales and earnings in the past financial year despite the high volatility in demand. In cooperation with the pharmacies, we were able to reliably meet demand peaks even in times of pandemic. ”And adds:“ Thanks to the commitment and dedication of our employees in wholesale and retail, we were able to provide supplies in heavily affected regions even at the height of the pandemic of the population. The PHOENIX group has thus underscored its position as the backbone of health care in Europe. ”In the 2020/21 financial year, more than 39,000 PHOENIX employees across Europe contributed to the safe supply of pharmaceuticals and health products.

Europe-wide growth – position also further strengthened in Germany
The pan-European healthcare provider PHOENIX group recorded growth in around three quarters of its national markets in the 2020/21 financial year compared to the previous year. With a share of 34.4 percent of the Group’s total sales (previous year: 33.7 percent), the German market made a significant contribution to the positive business development. Compared to the same period last year, sales increased by 5.3 percent or 491.9 million euros to a total of 9.7 billion euros.

Focus on digitization
The PHOENIX group has used the ongoing digitization of health systems, which has also been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, to advance its omnichannel offers for end consumers and patients across Europe. To this end, the company has implemented market-specific digital offers in numerous countries and expanded its e-commerce activities. In Germany, for example, PHOENIX has introduced gesundheit.de, the country’s first central health platform.

Positive outlook for the 2021/22 financial year
For the current financial year 2021/22, the company expects an increase in sales revenues slightly above the growth of the European pharmaceutical markets. Sales growth is expected in almost all markets in which the PHOENIX group is represented. The pre-tax result is forecast at the previous year’s level.

Key figures of PHOENIX Pharma SE compared to the same period of the previous year


in millions of euros


in millions of euros

Overall performance1 34.513,8 35.902,0
Sales 27.322,8 28.209,1
Total yield2 2.941,9 3.052,7
EBITDA 603,6 653,4
Result after taxes (vor Goodwill Impairment) 164,9 234,7
Equity3 2.832,4 2.959,7
Equity ratio (in%)3 29,9 28,6
Net debt3 2.294,9 2.006,9
Employee 39.013 39.532

(Balance sheet date January 31, 2021)

1 Total output = sales revenue + handled volume (turnover of goods for a service fee).
2 Total income = gross income + other operating income.
3 As of the reporting date January 31, 2020 or January 31, 2021.

Related Links

Annual report 2020/21

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