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Philosophical Discourse on Human Existence in Another Universe

January 27, 2024 07:55 |

Updated: January 27, 2024 08:09

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Philosophy. Illustration source: PEXELS/Wirestock

Discourse on Human Existence in Another Universe in Diele

The universe is so vast that it is possible for unexpected things to exist. Have you ever imagined that there is another earth besides ours? Or are there humans other than us? The universe has its own consciousness in creating material where its origin is from atoms, these atoms collide with each other and then create material, be it stars, planets or even living creatures. The basic substance in the universe is that there are 2 atoms, the first is a hydrogen atom, the second is a helium atom, then if you stick to the Bigbang theory, this atom is exposed to very hot temperatures. Then it explodes and turns into gas and over time, over several billion years, the gas becomes solid, thus this This is the initial process for the formation of the solar system or galaxy. It should be noted that both hydrogen and helium atoms have a stable composition but are also susceptible to being ignited, especially by temperature or heat, however, in this process itself the temperature reaches billions or even trillions Celsius so it is no doubt that an explosion can occur.

Our universe consists of lots of hydrogen and helium atoms, making it possible to create lots of materials, therefore there will always be the possibility and inevitability of existence which, if it could be reached, would certainly be an extraordinary discovery, however, scientists are always making innovations so that this became clear.

Our earth is located in the Milky Way galaxy, which is not the only galaxy in the universe, it is estimated that there are around one to two trillion galaxies that can only be observed, even the sun in our solar system is not the only one in the universe, it is estimated that there are around 1,000,000 suns have just been discovered so that according to Doctor Jones there are 10 trillion planets, if we only find one identical earth out of 1,000,000 planets we still have 10,000 earths, even if we are more concrete than these 10,000 earths there is only 1 of 1000 which are very, very identical, then we have 10 earths which are likely to have the same substance as the earth we live on now.

With the same substance and composition, this makes it possible for the living creatures that are formed to have the same thing where the atoms collide with the same substance so that it is highly probable that there are other humans existing besides on our earth, humans are formed because of the presence of Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen and oxygen, where these atoms can be found on earth, apart from that, the environmental conditions starting from the climate and temperature on earth, are very suitable for the survival of human life, so if the 10 earths are very, very identical to our earth, the existence of humans in the universe becomes a necessity because in its formation one of these substances must be complete and one cannot be lost, then the climate and temperature must be suitable, and also support the survival of life. If it were not like that, human life would not be formed.

It sounds strange but if you stick to the theory of quantum mechanics, the atom is a particle that cannot be divided and becomes a substance which is the embryo of life, from atoms to form molecules then molecules to form objects, objects to form plants, animals and finally humans. Plants, animals and humans are formed from hydrogen and carbon atoms which look simple because that is the essence of life starting from simple things to complex things.

Talking about other humans in the universe is no longer a new conversation because basically there has been research that has also formed a hypothesis regarding this paradigm, this even happened in our solar system, specifically on the planet Mars.

In 1877, in his research, Schiaparelli discovered black lines crisscrossing each other on land called canals, continents that connect the oceans to one another. The black lines were named because they were composed of water. This finding was later strengthened by the opinion of American expert Lowell. The above was formed in a straight and regular manner. once it matches the geometry so that it forms a hypothesis that it is human action and nature cannot possibly do such a thing, the question arises, how can humans live in an environment as extreme as Mars? According to Doctor Jones, this is actually found at the beginning of the formation of living things themselves, where there are different atomic substances, say these atoms are synthetic atoms or titan atoms, so that when they collide they create objects and then living creatures that match the composition of the place itself. So this could be a rhythm to what Mendel said, namely that every living creature always adapts itself to its environment.

The closing question, apart from humans, are there other creatures in the universe?

If we return to the principles of quantum mechanical theory where the atom becomes a particle that forms material, even living creatures such as plants, animals and humans, it is possible for atoms to form other living creatures which of course exist in parts of the world that we don’t know about and that technology has not yet reached. technology that exists on our earth, when hydrogen atoms surrounded by carbon form plants, animals and humans, these hydrogen atoms, if surrounded by other particles, can also form creatures which of course have physical and spiritual characteristics that are different from creatures on earth because The colliding particles are different too.

2024-01-27 00:55:00
#Human #Existence #Universe #Dialectical #Hypothesis #Materialism #Kompasiana.com #Kompasiana.com

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