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Admittedly, Philippe Poutou is capped at an anecdotal score in the polls. But he achieves another feat: to fill the room with an endangered species in political meetings in 2022: young people. Enthusiastic girls and boys, teenagers up to their thirties, laughing at the gestures and good words of the spokesperson of the New Capitalist Party (NPA), who sing revolutionary songs between interventions at the microphone. And who hope to be able to slip into the ballot box, on April 10, a ballot in favor of the Bordeaux worker, for the time being “candidate for candidacy”. This Tuesday, March 1, in Villeurbanne (metropolis of Lyon), Philippe Poutou gathered supporters, sympathizers and curious people for one of the last meetings of his party before the filing of sponsorships for the presidential election with the Constitutional Council is closed. , Friday night.
“Small barrier to cross”
Will the NPA be able to collect the 500 signatures needed to move on to the next stage? This question is well “big current obsession”, recognized the politician on the stage of the Cultural Center and associative life of Villeurbanne (this Wednesday, the Constitutional Council lists him 342 validated sponsorships). “It’s a beautiful room, it feels like being in a real meeting of …