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Philippe Hinschberger: “When you have Monfray, Nestor, Maubleu, Ravet…”

Former GF38 coach Philippe Hinschberger gave an emotional interview to our colleagues at 1pm for you to read in full here. He returns in particular to his Grenoble period and the anecdote of the “narvalos”

« In Grenoble, with Max Marty in charge of recruiting, I had a group of exceptional players, just good guys, who we never had a problem with, guys who were almost on their own. When you have Monfray, Nestor, Maubleu, Mombris, Ravet, Benet… They were creams. […]

[Sur le discours Narvalos de Mika Diaferia] it comes from a preparatory course and we played a werewolf game with the players, the role-playing game. Mika got into this routine of gathering the players before the game to say a few words to them, and we don’t know why, following this werewolf story, it all started around that, the pack, the wolves, we’re hungry, we bite his calves, and after the “Narvalos”, which arrived at the end of the season, is a Grenoble term. It was a great team, an outstanding group.«

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