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Phase 3, CEI: at weddings via the obligation of the mask for the spouses

Pu (come back) to kiss the bride. The obligation falls for future spouses to wear the mask at the time of the celebration. Instead the indication remains for the priest to protect the respiratory tract and to keep the distance of at least one meter from the spouses. To report the Italian Episcopal Conference giving news of the answer to a question on the matter placed by the same bishops to the Ministry of the Interior (here the provisions on the CEI website). The Technical Scientific Committee, asked by the Interior Ministry, observes that, since they certainly cannot be considered extraneous to each other, the spouses can avoid wearing masks, with the care that the officiant maintains the use of the respiratory protection device and respect the physical distance of at least one meter. The CTS also believes that this recommendation may extend to celebration of marriage according to the civil ceremony or according to the liturgies of other religious denominations (here the note from the Ministry of the Interior).

From Saturday 27 June, however, it also comes into force a novelty in religious celebrations that affects everyone. It will no longer be mandatory for priests to wear disposable gloves during the distribution of Communion. Regarding the request to derogate from the obligation of gloves when distributing the Eucharist, the CTS recommends that the priest proceed with a scrupulous cleansing of his hands with hydroalcoholic solutions. The recommendation remains faithful to clean their hands before taking the host and anyway that of the experts to continue to avoid Communion directly in the mouth. In Masses, the moment of Communion is one of the most critical phases in the risk of contagion, but the incorrect use of gloves can instill a false sense of security which can facilitate the spread of the virus rather than avoid it.

June 26, 2020 (change June 26, 2020 | 11:55 pm)


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