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Phase 2 measures for coronavirus are advanced in Mexico

Mexico.- Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, The Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion of the Ministry of Health reported the decision to advance prevention measures for Phase 2, although Mexico remains in Phase 1 of the contingency of the new coronavirus Covid-19.

So far, in Mexico there are 251 confirmed cases of Covid-19 in different entities of the country and two deaths.

López-Gatell pointed out that at the beginning of the epidemic, now a pandemic, of Covid-19, much emphasis was placed on the aspect of detecting suspected cases, their isolation, their confirmation by the laboratory, and later, on the study of contacts and contact isolation. As a containment measure for people infected in the country.

He reiterated that as the number of positive cases increases, it becomes progressively more difficult to be able to follow all the contacts of the infected, and in addition cases will begin to appear where it will not be clear who was who infected.

For this reason, the Ministry of Health has reported on the transition, for a few days, which is a progressive transition to the different phases of the contingency by Covid-19 in Mexico.

Different scenarios of the Covid-19 contingency | Ssa

López Gatell stressed that does not consider that Mexico should wait until it has a defined Phase 2, but since last Saturday it was decided to implement the actions that are typically destined for the community transmission phase, which gives Mexico the opportunity to advance the actions and have a better opportunity to combat the virus.

This is due to the lesson learned from other countries, which acted a little after the turning point, and the proximity of the school break that allows us to suspend classes for a whole month.

Thanks to these measures we will be able to reduce the number of daily cases. We have to prepare for a long epidemic; even when the number of cases begins to decrease in August, this can continue until October

He wrote on his official Twitter account.

He also stressed that since January protocols to expand hospital capacity began “It is likely that in the Metropolitan area different measures are taken, more severe than in the rest of the country because more cases are concentrated here, but there is also a greater capacity to attend to them, “he wrote.

The Ministry of Health is working in a possible collaboration with private hospitals to attend to the health contingency due to Covid-19, since it will be necessary to work together between the public and private sectors to supply the possible number of infected people.

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