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Pharmacy News: Insurance, Salaries and Digitization, ApoRisk GmbH, Story

In recent years, extreme weather events such as sudden heavy rain and flooding have increased dramatically in Germany. This development has Need for natural hazard insurance for pharmacy operators made clear. Regions that have previously been spared such events are now faced with flooded streets and water seeping into basements. This threat affects not only areas near bodies of water, but also those that were previously considered safe. The financial damage caused by these natural events can threaten the existence of pharmacies. It is therefore advisable for pharmacy operators to protect themselves against these risks in order to avoid ruin in an emergency. Insurance can help to cushion the financial consequences of such disasters and ensure the continued existence of the pharmacy.

A recent survey of 1,197 pharmacy employees shows that the majority of employees in public pharmacies are paid above the standard rate. However, there are clear differences between East and West Germany. In the West, over 85 percent of pharmacy employees earn more than the standard rate, while in the East, less than half of employees are paid above the standard rate. This salary gap highlights the different economic conditions and the resulting challenges for pharmacy employees in the two regions. It shows that despite the same work, there are significant differences in remuneration, which in the long term can lead to dissatisfaction and possibly also to a shortage of skilled workers in the disadvantaged regions.

Even seven months after the introduction of the e-prescription in Germany, the system is still not running smoothly. Patients report repeated technical glitches and delays that force them to come to the pharmacy several times to get their medication. The cause is often the new way of working and the technical challenges of the system. These problems not only burden patients, but also the pharmacy staff, who have to deal with the new requirements. The introduction of the e-prescription was intended to simplify and modernize the healthcare system, but has so far brought more problems than solutions. Intensive improvements and support are therefore needed both for the technical infrastructure and for users in the pharmacies.

After 33 years, the Sonnen-Apotheke in Hauenstein has ceased operations. Owner Stephan Lorenz decided to close for personal and business reasons. The 67-year-old explained that the current challenges facing pharmacies prompted him to take this step. He also has health reasons and expiring contracts for the pharmacy premises. “Times are bad for pharmacies,” said Lorenz, who is now planning to sell his mail-order business. This closure is a symptom of the difficult situation many pharmacies are in today. Rising costs, increasing bureaucratic effort and competition from mail-order pharmacies are putting a lot of pressure on brick-and-mortar pharmacies.


The increasing frequency of extreme weather events and the resulting damage illustrate how important good insurance is for pharmacy operators. In times of climate change, it is essential that pharmacy operators protect their existence through natural hazard insurance. Such insurance provides an important shield against financial losses and helps to continue operations even after serious damage. The significant salary difference between East and West Germany highlights the existing inequalities and the need to address them. It is worrying that pharmacy employees in the East earn significantly less than their colleagues in the West, despite having the same qualifications and work performance. This injustice must be addressed in order to create a uniform and fair labor market in the long term.

The technical problems with the introduction of the e-prescription show that the digitization of the healthcare system still has many hurdles to overcome. Better support and training for pharmacy staff and reliable technical solutions are needed here. The vision of a digitized and efficient healthcare system must not fail due to inadequate planning and implementation. It is crucial that those responsible learn from previous mistakes and take effective measures as quickly as possible to make the e-prescription system stable and user-friendly.

The closure of the Sonnen-Apotheke is a regrettable example of the challenges that many pharmacies are facing today. Health reasons and economic pressure are factors that are forcing many pharmacy owners to give up. It is to be hoped that targeted measures and support can secure a better future for pharmacies. Politicians and the relevant institutions are called upon to create framework conditions that enable pharmacies to survive successfully despite the many challenges. This is the only way to ensure that the population is provided with comprehensive medication and pharmaceutical advice in the future.

By Engin Günder, specialist journalist

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