The Free Treatment Department of the Sohag Health Directorate launched a campaign against several private medical facilities under the leadership of Dr. Ahmed Mahrous, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health in Sohag, and the follow-up of Dr. Mohamed Mohsen Assaf, Director of the Free Treatment Department, and in collaboration with the Sohag Procurement Directorate, where the investigative team was able to arrest a pharmacist impersonating a dermatologist. She made patients believe that she was a specialist dermatologist who uses medicine and performs medical interventions they are not familiar with, such as chemical peel sessions for the skin using chemicals and substances of unknown origin, and making mesotherapy injections and other cosmetic interventions.
Immediately, the necessary steps were taken regarding violations, the necessary reports were prepared, and the prosecutors took over the investigation.
2024-08-08 20:43:00
#Pharmacist #caught #impersonating #dermatologist #running #clinic #Tahta #Center #Sohag