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“PGI Chairman Welcomes ‘KrisMuha’ Phenomenon as Step towards Religious Harmony”

CNN Indonesia

Monday, May 29 2023 08:36 WIB

Chairman of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) Gomar Goltom warmly welcomes the Muhammadiyah Christian phenomenon. (CNN Indonesia/Christie Stefanie)

Jakarta, CNNIndonesia

Chairman of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) Gomar Goltom assessed the results of the research that found the variant phenomenon Muhammadiyah Christian alias ‘KrisMuha’ in remote areas as an enlightening step to build religious harmony.

“I think the results of this research are very enlightening in building cooperation and harmony between people,” Gomar said CNNIndonesia.comMonday (29/5).

The KrisMuha variant refers to Christians who are Muhammadiyah sympathizers. Research conducted by the PP Muhammadiyah Institute for Strategic Studies and Partnerships (LKKS) explains that the KrisMuha variant occurs due to intense interaction between Muslim and Christian students in the educational environment at Muhammadiyah schools in remote areas.

Gomar then appreciated Muhammadiyah’s da’wah in educating the nation’s children through education. He saw Muhammadiyah preaching through education not focusing on quantity or increasing the number of followers, but prioritizing quality.

“And I see that being Islamic while sticking to one another’s faith is a noble mission or da’wah that is very relevant to Indonesia’s pluralism,” he said.

In addition, Gomar saw that the process of meeting Muhammadiyah and Christians could actually strengthen each other in increasing each other’s faith and piety.

“Through such da’wah, there is a process of interpenetration that builds each other towards the maturity of each believer,” he said.

However, this interaction does not eliminate their respective religious identities, thus creating tolerance for one another.

“However, it should be noted that this interaction does not eliminate their identity as devout Christians,” said Chairman of LKKS PP Muhammadiyah Fajar Riza Ulhaq on Muhammadiyah’s official website.

The results of this research describe the situation of tolerance in remote areas in Indonesia, especially in the 3T areas (Frontier, Remote and Disadvantaged). The areas in question are Ende, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT); Serui, Papua; and Putussibau, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan).

This research was then compiled into a book entitled ‘Muhammadiyah Christianity: Managing Religious Plurality in Education’.


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2023-05-29 01:36:58

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