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PGG Online Store: Promotion for the Purchase of Coal Only Until July 31

Author: PGG SA Coal promotion in the PGG store only until July 31, 2023. These are the current coal prices in the e-shop (July 31)

The PGG store has the last day of the “Double as much coal” promotion – it lasts only until July 31, 2023. New rules for the sale of coal and eco-pea coal have also been introduced in the PGG e-shop. How to buy coal in the PGG online store? Check the current prices and availability of coal in the largest coal company.


PGG online store – promotion for the purchase of coal only until July 31!Coal in the e-shop at 10.00 and in selected KDWPrices of coal and eco-pea coal in PGGBuying coal in the PGG e-shop not only via the InternetPurchase of coal in a PGG store without a CEEB declarationChanging the rules of logging in to the PGG e-shop

More changes in the PGG store. After the introduction of continuous sales of coal, the possibility of buying goods in installments and promotions for the purchase of coal, the rules of its purchase have changed. PGG also lowered the price of Orzech coal. Check the current prices of coal in PGG and how to buy it.

The promotion of the PGG store The second so much coal is ending – it will only last do July 31 until midnight.

As PGG reminds, as part of the promotion The second amount of coal in the PGG online store can be purchased in two orders of equal quantity in total from 2 to 10 tons of any coal assortment. Then the first order is fully paid, and the price of the second is reduced by PLN 400 per ton.

The PGG store states that the promotion does not apply to purchase limits and restrictions, it can be combined with other price reductions in the e-shop.

From July 5, 2023, the PGG online store, as part of the Double Coal promotion, also allows you to pay for and collect both orders for coal with one combined transport from the KDW warehouse in Poland to the customer’s home. In this way, the buyer will not have to pay twice in a short time for the transport of coal from the warehouse to his address (recall that such delivery is a service ordered from KDW on market terms outside the PGG e-shop at the customer’s request. It is still possible to collect the purchased coal directly in the composition of the KDW).

Coal in the e-shop at 10.00 and in selected KDW

This is another change in the PGG e-shop. The company informs that from July 26 periodically at 10.00 a.m. on the shelf of the online store will be displayed products that Polska Grupa Górnicza has in limited quantities – the last available stock items at selected KDW warehouses.

When placing an order for the above goods at the stage of selecting a KDW warehouse, only those KDW warehouses that have the selected product in stock will be available. It is important to know that the purchase of goods will not be covered by the Second So Much Coal Promotion.

Prices of coal and eco-pea coal in PGG

Currently, it can be seen that there are definitely fewer types of coal to choose from. What are the current (July 31) coal prices in PGG and what coal is available?

Cube – Ziemowit – PLN 1370/ton, Cube – Piast – PLN 1470/ton, Walnut – Piast – PLN 1200/ton, Walnut – Mysłowice-Wesoła – PLN 1200/ton.

In addition, until the end of July, the transport of coal from all mines to the selected Qualified Coal Supplier is included in the price of goods listed on the PGG store website.

Currently is not available:

Karlik Ekogroszek, Karolinka Ekogroszek, Retopal Ekogroszek-Piast, ecomial, Groszek 5-25 from the Mysłowice-Wesoła mine.

Buying coal in the PGG e-shop not only via the Internet

Shopping in the PGG online store can now also be done at any KDW warehouse, where employees will immediately accept the order. PGG Qualified Coal Suppliers warehouses have a free service for people who, for various reasons, find it difficult to use online procedures when ordering coal in the e-shop.

The service in KDW depots also helps, for example, to open a customer account in an e-shop and also guide them through the purchasing process.

Author: PGG SA Not all types of coal are available in the PGG store (as of July 31)

Purchase of coal in a PGG store without a CEEB declaration

This is another change in the PGG e-shop. From July 3, the obligation to attach a document confirming the source of combustion in electronic form, i.e. the CEEB declaration, was suspended. Due to this change, the “Documents” tab in the client’s profile is disabled.

Changing the rules of logging in to the PGG e-shop

The company also states that in order to buy coal, you need to set up a fund customer account in the e-shop. Verification by the Trusted Profile is no longer necessary during registration.

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2023-07-31 14:46:18
#day #promotion #purchase #coal #PGG #store #buy #prices

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