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PGE: will companies reimburse?

More than 650,000 businesses have benefited from a state guaranteed loan (PGE). According to several banking sources, only one in three companies would reimburse it this year.

A first anniversary: ​​the first loans guaranteed by the State (PGE) were granted on March 25. A little more than 650,000 companies have benefited from it, for a total amount of more than 130 billion euros. These businesses have to say whether they plan to pay off their loan now, or just a year from now. The first figures are cause for concern: according to several banking sources, only a third of companies intend to repay their EMPs now.

According to the banks, nothing alarming, since 50 to 60% of companies affected by an EMP have still not touched their money. But the CPME, for its part, regularly sounds the alarm, and the latest barometer published by BPI France partially proves it: a growing number of companies are facing real difficulties. According to data from the barometer, 23% of companies have already used up all of their loans. In addition, 8% of the companies questioned fear that they will not be able to reimburse it. This is twice as much as in July.

Extension of the repayment period

A figure that could climb further given the new closures decided in the context of the “light” confinement which has just been put in place. In this context, employers’ organizations are calling for an extension of the repayment period from 6 to 8 years. For that, we still have to get the green light from Brussels. Anyway, warns Bruno Le Maire, this can only be a solution of last resort in certain cases, for certain sectors and on an exceptional basis.

Caroline Morisseau with J. Br.

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