Home » today » World » Pfizer’s single-injection vaccine has significant effects, the UK epidemic has improved significantly-IT & Health

Pfizer’s single-injection vaccine has significant effects, the UK epidemic has improved significantly-IT & Health

In the protracted battle against the new crown epidemic, the launch of various vaccines has ignited hope. Judging from data from the United Kingdom, a single dose of Pfizer vaccine seems to be effective.This Tuesday, the United Kingdom reported 13013 new diagnoses, a decrease of 32.2% from last Wednesday; the total number of diagnoses in the United Kingdom reached 3,985,161. There are only 7 administrative regions left in England, and infections are still increasing in varying degrees.


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Since the first dose of COVID-19 vaccination was started on December 8 last year, 13,058,298 people across the UK have received the first dose of the vaccine, and 519,553 people have received the second dose (complete vaccination). The cumulative total dose that has been inoculated is 13577851.

In order to ensure that at the initial stage, the largest number of people get the first injection from the existing vaccine supply, the British government decided to extend the interval between the first and second vaccination from 3 weeks to 12 weeks.

Today’s data also eases people’s concerns that the above decision may weaken the immune response.

Analysts said that almost all of the analyzed data is related to Pfizer vaccine, because the vaccination of the vaccine started three weeks before the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccination.

According to people familiar with the matter, the efficacy data of vaccination shows that about two weeks after young people (mainly medical staff) are vaccinated, and about three weeks after vaccination among the elderly, the vaccine seems to trigger a good immune response.

According to the British “Sun” report this Tuesday, the Department of Public Health found that among young people and people over 80 years old, a single dose of the vaccine can reduce symptomatic infections by 65%, and people over 80 years old by 64%. The protective effects of the vaccines were 79% and 84%, respectively.

The findings of the British Public Health Department also provided new evidence for the Israeli study last month.

Israeli studies have shown that a single shot of Pfizer vaccine can produce a strong antibody response within a few weeks. At the Rambam Health Care Campus in northern Israel, among the 1,800 doctors and nurses who received two doses of vaccinations, 91% of the vaccinators developed large amounts of antibodies 21 days after the first injection and before the second injection.

At the regular epidemic briefing meeting, Prime Minister Boris stated that as originally planned, the vaccination of 15 million vulnerable and critically susceptible high-risk groups will be completed in mid-February as planned and entered the sprint stage. He called on the 2 million residents who qualify for vaccination to log onto the NHS website as soon as possible to make an appointment for vaccination.

He said: “There is no doubt that we have made tremendous progress.”

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