womb mandiscipline, this gives youclarity of equality topolice cases and increasesresponsibility andtransparency.elian: we talk about the vaccineand precisely the lack ofdose in the new stateyork read to the governorwhen to propose an offerpfizer’s pharmaceuticsbuy the vaccinesdirectly to them and haveto move aside tofederal government. Richardcures tells us wings alrespect.ricardo: greetings, goodevenings colleagues and friendsviewers.the goal of vaccinating between70 and 90% of the populationNew Yorker is alsoreason for theGovernor cuomo to proceedwith requests foryou buy, however thecompía pfizer, theanswered that it corresponds to himhealth department. the p ofchief executiveNew Yorkers occursafter the declaration thatthe CEO would doof the world organizationof health and warns andadmits of inequityexisting in the distributionof the doses, so thatthe sending of a letter bypart of cuomo to the compíato its CEO,it also implied that thePharmaceuticals madeexception outside theoperation established by thefederal government to produceand distribute 300,000,000 sedose for all statesunited and despite thedecision is in the hands ofHealth Department,univision newsquarantine ask agentsthat’s okay that onenew york buy yourown doses?í, money canbuy because it isscarce, we need toall the people, thecoronavirus is matando aall the people and ifthere are vaccines to buyto buy government.What do you think if thatesé in your own doses?Sounds good to me, I knowgood and especially for thispandemic.Ricardo: we must mentionthat so far I knowjohn hopkins university,the state new york todistribute 345,000 vaccines,which implies that he hasvaccinated approximately one. 3% of the populationwhile the state and theown governor cuomothey are waiting for thedose, of the 250,000 dosesweekly than for the firstexecutive indicate that they arelower.