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Pfizer vaccine, woman dies after first dose: Investigation in progress

The death of the 53-year-old from Biella hit the news after it was discovered that the woman had had the Pfizer vaccine six days earlier. There are now investigations underway.

Pfizer vaccine (AdobeStock)

Isabella Stabile, that was the name of the woman who suddenly died at 53 years old in Strona, a small town in the Biella area of ​​about a thousand inhabitants. The death occurred yesterday, Sunday 13 June, exactly six days later that the woman had received the first dose of the anti-covid vaccine Pfizer.

The death of the woman falls within one of those suspected cases of deaths over 50, where the Prosecutor intervenes ex officio initiating the investigation of the case. In fact, in recent months we have witnessed several deaths in which the finger was immediately pointed at the vaccine in question.

However, after the alarms and the investigations of the competent authorities, it was discovered in all cases that the “suspicious” deaths were due to natural consequences and not caused by the vaccination, whether Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson.

Woman died after Pfizer vaccine

Isabella Stabile died six days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine. To ascertain the death was the coroner, as usual, who immediately raised the issue. He also reported the case to Search of Biella competent that immediately opened an investigation about.

The authorities immediately explained that it is “A due act”, essential to be able to dispose and allow body autopsy. This technique, in fact, is necessary to understand if there has been a correlation between the administration of the Pfizer vaccine and the death of the woman. Furthermore, the 53-year-old, according to the first statements, does not seem to have any previous pathologies.

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Isabella Stabile is the fourth person in the Biella area who died after taking the vaccine. Before her there were the 57-year-old Sandro Tognatti, the 71-year-old Alberto Gazioli and finally the 61 year old Alberto Bozzalli Cassolo. The death of the three turned out to be totally unrelated to the administration of the vaccine and the investigation was closed.

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