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Pfizer Thailand and Medical Council of Thailand partner to enhance medical education through digital platform

Pfizer (Thailand) Ltd., one of the world’s leading pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical companies Signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Center for Continuing Medical Education, the Medical Council of Thailand to support the development of academic content. This includes scientific articles. and various medical courses in the continuing education platform of medical practitioners through the MedX and PfizerPro applications for practicing physicians resident doctor and resident physician have access to knowledge Various latest information helpful Enhance learning and capacity to play a role that can maximize the benefit of the people in the digital age.

Prof. Dr. Somkiat Watanasirichaikul, M.D. The director of the Center for Continuing Medical Education, the Medical Council of Thailand, spoke about this cooperation. “We are delighted to be involved in driving learning. and develop the potential of the medical profession With support from Pfizer Thailand, which is considered an important collaboration to support the Center for Continuing Medical Education, the Medical Council of Thailand to jointly create academic content in medicine. and published works for continuing education of physicians Through platform linking and access applications of both parties To facilitate access to knowledge, various information, linking and exchanging important information that is useful in accordance with the user doctor. On a digital platform, convenient, fast, information can be accessed anywhere. increase work efficiency This is in line with the main mission of the Medical Council of Thailand in transferring knowledge and appropriate medical technology. Promoting the quality of life of doctors and the public by focusing on participatory processes such as organizing training, promoting, supporting and disseminating various information, with the hope that the integration of this cooperation will enhance and drive the development of the medical profession. to be strong And lead the country’s medical work with digital technology moving forward in a sustainable future.”

Dr. Nirut Pradubyath, Medical Director of Pfizer (Thailand), said, “Medical technology has progressed. and is constantly changing whether from social conditions, environment, new knowledge from research and development including technology And innovations that are applied in patient care are constantly being developed. Access to such academic information is essential for healthcare professionals to maintain their professional standards. This is a good opportunity to access academic information, news, and learning in today’s digital era. It can be done conveniently and quickly. via online platform Thus making continuing education to develop the learning and potential of doctors more convenient. Pfizer recognizes the importance of developing knowledge. and the continued ability of medical personnel for the benefit of treatment and enhancing the quality of life of patients with access to information And the body of medical knowledge in various fields, the company has therefore collaborated with the Center for Continuing Medical Education, the Medical Council of Thailand in creating academic content, including scientific articles. academic conference workshop academic rehabilitation articles and teaching materials in various forms covering medical content for professionals of all levels Whether it’s a practicing physician resident doctor resident physician general practitioner and specialists in various fields, focusing on current medical knowledge or as advances and best practices in various areas, especially in relation to COVID-19 Vaccines for the prevention of oncology, infectious diseases, cardiovascular disease. Immune and inflammatory diseases, including rare diseases, for the benefit of continuing education and knowledge enhancement. as well as professional skills and attitudes according to the standard criteria of medical practitioners. Through platform integration and access to MedX and PfizerPro applications, Pfizer is honored to support the Medical Council Medical Education Center this time, in line with the company’s ultimate goal. in promoting good health for Thai society through promoting access and exchange knowledge on health, as well as strengthening cooperation with personnel and medical institutions at all levels, universities, government agencies private sector and local communities in applying such knowledge in medicine and public health in the future.”

Pharmacist Chatsin Mudcharoen, Head of Innovation Department and digital marketing, Pfizer (Thailand) Co., Ltd. further details about the development of the platform, saying, “Pfizer’s MedX application, the Center for Continuing Medical Education, the Medical Council of Thailand and PfizerPro will be a channel for Dissemination of course content, research results, summary of academic conference content medical articles and also includes various media For doctors who communicate with patients and relatives Which is beneficial to the learning of medical personnel to receive accurate, modern, concise, easy-to-understand content. Linking MedX and PfizerPro applications will be convenient for physicians to use. for a seamless experience and incentivize them to study, research and learn information to continually increase the efficiency of treating patients.”


Source: MT

2023-06-01 02:46:00

#Pfizer #Thailand #signs #MOU #Center #Continuing #Medical #Education #Upgrading #driving #medical #profession #digital #age

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