Home » today » Health » Pfizer delivers a batch of 125,190 covid-19 vaccines to El Salvador

Pfizer delivers a batch of 125,190 covid-19 vaccines to El Salvador

The American pharmaceutical company Pfizer delivered a batch of 125,190 vaccines against covid-19 to El Salvador on Friday, bringing the Central American country to more than 4 million doses.

The Presidency reported in a statement that the doses were purchased by the Government of Nayib Bukele and are part of an agreement reached by the Salvadoran Executive and Pfizer for the supply of 4.4 million vaccines.

With this new shipment, El Salvador has already received 15 lots of vaccines: 8 are from the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca, 5 from the Chinese laboratory Sinovac and 2 from Pfizer.

Of the total lots, 8 were purchased by the Salvadoran Government, 5 were acquired via Covax, sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), and two donations, one from China and the other from Mexico.

Health personnel are vaccinating those over 30 years of age and since February 17, when the immunization process began in the country, to date, first-line health workers, people over 60 years of age, have been vaccinated. people 55, 45 and 35 years old, teachers, police, military, firefighters, Civil Protection personnel and journalists.

According to the portal covid19.gob.sv of the Ministry of Health (Minsal), 2,586,522 vaccines have been injected as of June 23, of which 1,508,453 correspond to first doses and 1,078,069 to second doses.

The Central American country, which registered an increase in infections in June, accumulates 77,484 confirmed infections. Of these, 3,525 cases are “active”, 2,356 people have died from the virus and 71,603 people recovered.

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