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Pfizer / BioNTech Third Vaccine Revealed

Third dose of Pfizer / BioNTech COVID vaccine gives better effect than first two

All data from the Comirnaty booster experiment will be released in the coming weeks.

Pfizer (USA) and BioNTech (Germany), which developed the Comirnaty coronavirus vaccine, are conducting research on the effectiveness of the third (booster) dose of their drug. About this on Thursday, July 8, reported press service BioNTech.

It is noted that according to preliminary test results, a booster dose administered six months after the second dose has a stable tolerance profile, causing high neutralization titers, which are 5-10 times higher than after two primary injections.

The company called such data “encouraging” and announced that in the coming weeks, all information on the experiment on the Comirnaty vaccine booster will be published and transferred to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

We will remind, in May in Britain started the first in the world third dose efficacy study vaccines against coronavirus. It was planned to vaccinate each volunteer with a third dose of one of seven COVID vaccines registered and unregistered in the country.

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