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Pfizer asks US for blessing to make corona vaccines for children

The Pfizer-BioNTech company has applied for permission from the United States (US) authorities for its vaccine to be used on children aged 12-15 years. They plan to do the same in all countries in the world.

Pfizer-BioNTech applied for the permit with the US Food and Drug Administration. This step was taken after they carried out the third phase of clinical trials on children aged 12-15 years. The trial involved 2,260 volunteers.

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The two pharmaceutical companies claim trial results show a strong antibody response. “The vaccine is well tolerated with side effects that are generally consistent with those observed in participants aged 16 to 25 years,” said Pfizer-BioNTech in a statement.

Pfizer-BioNTech is the first vaccine to obtain emergency use authorization in Uncle Sam’s country. Their vaccine is licensed for use in people 16 years of age and over. Compared to parents, children are less likely to cause severe symptoms when infected with Covid-19.

Therefore they are less of a priority in vaccination campaigns. However, currently vaccine developers are trying to produce vaccines that are safe to use for children and adolescents.

See Article Source in Republika Disclaimer: This article is a collaboration between Warta Ekonomi and Republika. Republika is the responsibility of Republika to take matters related to writing, photos, graphics, videos, and the entire contents of the article.

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