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Petrol stations closed at night: what can happen

The sting on bills electricity could have negative consequences for businesses, as well as for households, and affect the normal functioning of some public utility services. This is the case of the petrol pumps which risk having to close at night to contain energy costs. This would mean depriving motorists of self-service in certain time slots during which, despite the fuel distribution systems are not very active, it will not be possible to buy gasoline and diesel for their car.

Keeping the pumps closed at night would allow gas stations to save on electric lighting. Keeping the lights off for several hours could significantly reduce the cost of your bill. Moreover, the geo-political situation between Russia and Ukraine risks causing the prices of theelectric energy and gas. Returning to the possible closure of petrol and diesel distribution plants, the Italian Federation of road fuel plant managers of Confcommercio (Figisc), as reported Here Financegives this option as almost certain.

The decision seems inevitable because the difficulties faced by the operators of the petrol pumps are becoming more and more pressing. The same Figisc has announced that, with the same consumption of Kw, there has been an increase in the electricity bill of one and a half times compared to the same weeks last year. To give a concrete idea of ​​what kind of increase we are talking about, we can give the example of a gas station attendant: whoever paid a thousand euros in bills in 2020, today has to spend 2,500 euros. The only way not to succumb remains that ofcost reduction and closing at night seems to be a good compromise to reduce the economic burden of electricity consumption.

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