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Petrol Prices in Italy Hit 6-Month High, Diesel Drops: Latest Updates from Staffetta Quotidiana

Petrol prices they reached the the highest level in the last 6 months. Il diesel, on the other hand, registered a sharp decline. This is what emerged from the latest study by Staffetta Quotidiana which also said that the delicate situation in the Middle East, at least for now, does not seem to have affected the oil markets . In fact, this morning the price of Brent opened lower.

According to Staffetta Quotidiana, last Friday the prices of refined products registered their second consecutive increase, due to structural reasons more than the winds of war from the Middle East.

So, how much does a full tank of fuel cost in Italy today? Average prices posted communicated by the managers to the Price Observatory of the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy and processed by Staffetta Quotidiana, indicates that the petrol in self-service mode reached 1,914 euros per liter (+2 thousandths, 1,920 companies, 1,900 white pumps). The diesel (sef service)however, stands at 1.808 euros per liter (-1, companies 1.814, white pumps 1.795).

Moving on to service, the average price of petrol recorded was 2.051 euros per liter (+1, companies 2.095, white pumps 1.964). That of diesel, however, is equal to 1.948 euros per liter (-1, companies 1.992, white pumps 1.860). Then we served LPG at 0.715 euros per liter (unchanged, companies 0.724, white pumps 0.704), methane served at 1.321 euros per kg (-1, companies 1.342, white pumps 1.304) and LNG 1.155 euros per kg ( + 1.9 companies 1.321 euros per kg) euro / kg, white pumps 1.159 euros per kg).

And on the highway? According to the latest analysis, we have self-service petrol 1.996 euros per liter (served 2.255), self-service diesel 1.911 euros per liter (served 2.176), LPG 0.851 euros per liter, methane 1.472 euros per kg and LNG 1.176 euros kg.

Codacons has intervened in the last few days on the high cost of fuel who confirmed that the price of petrol in serviced mode has exceeded 2.5 euros per liter in several facilities both on highway and urban networks, and that more and more fuel distributors are selling green fuel over above 2, 4 euros per liter.

Codacons then notes that many facilities do not communicate the price lists paid to the public for Mimit in a timely manner. Therefore, a consumer association is raising the alarm about price increases at the pump and asking the Government to intervene on excise taxes.

In addition to the real cases where fuel is sold at ridiculous prices, the increase in prices at the pump is visible and will have a big impact on the Italian spring holidays, reducing the cost of travel. The Government must intervene on customs duties and they must do so now, to prevent a wave of distributor increases from causing a chain effect on retail prices, further impoverishing families.

2024-04-15 17:37:30
#Fuel #prices #petrol #6month #high

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