(Nordre Aker Budstikke): Many may have raised their eyebrows when they saw the price of fuel on Tuesday. According to several places, the price was down to NOK 16 for diesel
The app allows users to report and verify fuel prices.
Also on Wednesday, you can find diesel down to NOK 16 per liter in several places in the Oslo area.
Nordre Aker Budstikke met on Tuesday afternoon at Jon Valstad, who filled a full tank at Circle K Storo.
– Now I was just standing there thinking that he was starting to get close to good prices, he says with a smile.
– The car was in Trondheim at the weekend, so the tank was almost empty. I realized the prices were cheap online, so I thought I’d stop by.
– What do you think the final amount will be?
– NOK 800 approx. In that case, it is NOK 400 cheaper than what I usually pay. I have to say that’s good, says Valstad.
The price ended up being DKK 792.
These are the cheapest
On Wednesday afternoon, the price per liter of diesel was just over NOK 16 in several places, according to the Fuel App. The cheapest was at Automat 1 in Gjelleråsen, where the price was NOK 16.18 per litre.
The price for a liter of petrol was between NOK 17 and 18. At Uno X in Ryen, Bryn and Oppsal, the price at 1.30pm was NOK 17.48 per litre.
August has been a month of mostly cheap fuel. It is especially on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays that stands out.
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Statistics Drivstoffappen prepared the statistics at Nettavisen’s request in July, showing that Tuesday is often the day of the week when fuel prices are at their lowest.
So far this year, Tuesday has had the cheapest price of the week eight times. Monday follows six times. The time of day also affects the price, with the lowest prices often between 10 and 14.
Better times
Two years ago it was big when prices fell below NOK 20 per liter.
Now the general manager of the Fuel App, Syver Orhagen, believes that prices between NOK 16 and 17 could become the new norm.

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– When it comes to fuel prices, NOK 16-17 is within the normal range when we look at the lowest levels, Orhagen tells Nettavisen.
The prices are roughly the same as most places in the country.
2024-08-21 11:10:48
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