The price of petrol and diesel rose by about 20 cents per liter compared to 30 December.
This was announced by Staffetta daily, recalling that “2022 ended with an increase in price lists and 2023 opened with an increase in excise duties on petrol, diesel and LPG. In fact, the increase in excise duties arrived from 1 January : +15 cents/litre on petrol and diesel, +2.8 cents/litre on LPG, to which VAT must be added with an impact on pump prices of 18.3 cents/litre on petrol and diesel and 4, 3 cents/litre on LPG Self-service petrol rises on average to 1.732 euro/litre (+106 thousandths, companies 1.730, white pumps 1.738), for diesel 1.794 euro/litre (+102, companies 1.791, white pumps 1.803) .