Fuel prices continue to rise, after the calm imposed by the Draghi government ended on January 1st. According to the Quotidiano Energia website, the average price of petrol served rose to 1.965 euros per litre, that of diesel to 2.023 euros. The Minister of Enterprise, Adolfo Urso, has promised cross-checks by the Guardia di Finanza and by “Mister Prices”, the Guarantor for price surveillance. And Deputy Prime Minister Salvini announced that in the next few hours the Council of Ministers will evaluate a possible intervention, with the heads of the Guardia di Finanza – informs Palazzo Chigi – who will meet Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti, to take stock and evaluate any possible further action to contrast the speculations.
According to Quotidiano Energia, the national average price of petrol in self-service mode is 1.821 euros per liter (1.814 as of 5 January). The average price of diesel self is 1.879 euros per liter (against 1.875). As regards the refueling served, petrol reached 1.965 euros, diesel at 2.023. On the highway, the prices go up again. According to the energy website Staffetta Quotidiana, petrol in served mode rises to 2.171 euros, self-service costs 1.912 euros per litre. For diesel on the motorway, 1.963 euros per liter are spent for self-driving cars and 2.223 for served cars. Codacons did some calculations: “A full tank of petrol costs 8.9 euros more than it cost at the end of December”, or “214 euros per motorist” per year. The National Consumer Union speaks of an increase of “9 euros and 15 cents for a 50-litre tank”. There is also the government’s decision to eliminate the discount of 18.3 cents per liter on excise duties (taxes on fuel), introduced by the Draghi executive after the outbreak of war in Ukraine. A discount that has cost 1 billion euros a month since March. According to some experts, prices have also risen in anticipation of the block on imports of refined products from Russia starting from February 5th. Europe will lack 30% of its diesel. However, consumer associations accuse energy companies and distributors of taking advantage of the increases due to the end of the price control, to add other hidden increases. A suspicion shared by the Meloni government, which has decided to increase controls.
Just yesterday, the Guardia di Finanza announced that last year since March it has ascertained 2,809 violations of price discipline at petrol stations, out of 5,187 checks carried out. The Minister of Enterprise Adolfo Urso, in an interview with Corriere della Sera, spoke of “glamorous and unjustifiable cases”. Urso explained that on expensive fuel “we coordinated a double action to stop speculation”. On the one hand, the Economy Minister, Giancarlo Giorgetti, “with the Guardia di Finanza”. On the other hand, his ministry, with the monitoring of Mr. Prices, to “immediately highlight any anomaly and any attempt at speculation”. “Next week – concluded Urso – I will bring together the consumer associations to discuss the most suitable tools”. Codacons and Unc welcome the call, but accuse the government of not having carried out enough checks. Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini from Brescia announced that in the Council of Ministers “we will consider whether, between war, expensive materials and expensive raw materials, it is appropriate to intervene and there is money to do it”. He then added: “I’m happy that there are blanket checks, because even in this case, as in the case of gas and electricity, someone is taking advantage of them”. In the meantime, applications for the eco-bonus for low or zero emission cars and motorcycles are reopening today. At stake 630 million, for discounts from 2,000 to 5,000 euros per vehicle.
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