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Petrol in the blood from childhood

Classic car fan Matthias Julian Koch from Benarrow GmbH in Wittlich is apprentice of the month at the Trier Chamber of Crafts.

By chance, Matthias Julian Koch, now 19 years old, had the opportunity to complete an apprenticeship as a vehicle mechatronics technician at the Benarrow GmbH guild in Wittlich. The technical enthusiasm was evident early on. “I spent my whole childhood building Lego in all my own creations, mostly without instructions, from electric motors to pneumatic controls. I invented the craziest vehicles, machines, which were never just decorative, but always had a technical functionality. I built when I was twelve I built my first PC independently from the individual components, learned to connect it correctly for the first time and to acquire knowledge by reading instructions. However, I would put the great origin of my technical interest in 2017, when I got my first moped, a Hercules Prima 5s from 1988, “says Koch.

Thus, the then 14-year-old Matthias began to go wild, swapping the exhaust, spark plugs and all the other little things, but after reading up on the subject, he quickly built the whole moped to 12 volts due to the failure of the old 6-volt interrupter ignition and contactless ignition. Many other private projects, especially on old two-wheelers, followed. In a voluntary internship as an industrial mechanic at Benninghoven, he mainly learned the basics of metalworking. “The internship appealed to me, but I had no connection to motor vehicles, as the percentage of gasoline in my blood was already rising steadily at that time.”

Passion for classic cars

After a year at Profi Parts in Föhren as a part-time job alongside school, Matthias completed an internship at Benarrow GmbH in Wittlich. Here he was given the opportunity to work as a mini-jobber. The part-time job at Benarrow sparked Matthias’ interest in classic cars to the max. “In the year in which I worked at Benarrow as a part-time jobber, I changed their opinion of an apprentice because of my work on the day. In March of last year I accompanied my current instructor to the ADA exam (training of instructors – instructor aptitude test) , which we successfully passed together. After the company was successfully checked and registered as a training company by my training advisor Karl-Heinz Schwall from the Trier Chamber of Crafts, nothing stood in the way. In August last year my training began as Motorcar mechanic.”

“Because my company specializes in the professional repair of classic cars, I get to know the pure mechanics of a car, work with systems that the majority nowadays can only be found in specialist books, preserve cultural assets, repair parts that are not there is more to buy and learn to find the causes of errors without a PC, because OBD plugs and diagnosis-capable control units simply do not exist in classic cars, “says the passionate motorcyclist. For his above-average performance in training as a motor vehicle mechatronics technician, Matthias Julian Koch has now been appointed by the Chamber of Commerce by Chamber President Rudi Müller in the presence of training advisor Karl-Heinz Schwall, district master craftsman Raimund Licht and the deputy managing director of the district craftsmen’s association Mosel-Eifel-Hunsrück-Region (KH MORE), Christian Weirich, named apprentice of the month.

Early qualification

The chairman of the district master craftsman for the guilds in the area of ​​KH MEHR, Raimund Licht, was visibly proud of this award: “This shows that a special commitment of a trainee and the training company is particularly appreciated. In the discussions on the sidelines of the award ceremony With the trainee and the company, you could clearly feel the enthusiasm for this job. “

Matthias Julian Koch would normally only complete his training in January 2024. Due to his above-average performance, Matthias will be able to finish his apprenticeship as a journeyman in January 2023.

Further reports from the district of the Trier Chamber of Crafts

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Text: / handwerksblatt.de – –

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