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Petrol, end of discounts. Monday could be the day of the price hikes

There are fears of a sharp rise in gasoline prices down since Monday. Will discounts end and price increases start again from May 1st?


Because of conflict in Ukraine economic tensions have risen to the highest levels and this has produced problems and speculations also for many European countries. One of the biggest problems was in fact the price increases fuel, which has skyrocketed the amounts of gasoline and diesel.

Precisely for this reason, the government finally decided to intervene in March cutting some excise duties and dropping the amounts, but there are those who fear in a return two months ago. According to some, in fact, we could see an increase in gasoline prices already from Monday. Will the discounts run out from May and will the price increases start again?

Gasoline prices. Will the price increases start again from May?

Thanks to the decree Ucraina-bis, the government intervened directly on the problem of gasoline prices, providing a respite, at least temporary, to those who use the car for commitments or for work. However, it looks like this respite may end soon, with i gasoline prices which could return to record levels.

Monday 2 maggioin fact, the petrol bonus wanted by the government expires, i.e. the discount of 25 cent on some excise duties on fuels. Many are asking for an extension of the provision, but to date there is still nothing official. Therefore, from Monday 2 May the price increases on fuels could start again.

After the government intervention, thanks to the decree no. 21/2022also called the Ukraine-bis decree, we could therefore return to an initial situation, when the prices of fuels far exceeded the 2 euros per liter. A situation that would once again throw road workers into serious crisis, as well as having serious consequences for companies.


The government had already decided to extend on 2 May the measure on excise duties which, initially, had an expiry date of April 6, 2022. The discount included several rates for fuels, gas and oil, including: gasoline € 478.40 per thousand liters, gas oils and diesel used as fuel € 367.40 per thousand liters, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) € 182.61 per thousand kilograms.

The government’s intention is to lengthen the period excise duty cut, but it is very unlikely that this will happen before the end of the extension.

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