What are the discounts on the purchase of fuel? Everything you need to know in detail, useful information.
When we talk about petrol bonuses we are referring to a contribution paid directly on the social card Dedicated to You and of the amount of 80 euros, concerning only those who fall within a certain income bracket. This is a decision taken, by decree, by the Government in the second half of 2023 with the aim of limiting the effects of inflation as much as possible.
But this is not the only benefit linked to the purchase of fuel. In fact, it is also necessary to know that people who return, due to disability or invalidity status, within the scope of law 104, can benefit from valuable support in this regard. Here’s in detail what it is and how you can benefit from it.
Petrol and fuel bonuses: what discounts are available
The petrol subsidy under Law 104 it is actually an initiative called Self for everyone. And which allows, in case you have a disability certified by specific documentation, to simplify refueling. In fact, it will be enough to go to a petrol station participating in the initiative and be assisted by the staff while still benefiting from the self-service price. After all, the operation is often very complex for motorists with disabilities and can constitute a real barrier to something that should instead be accessible to all.
![How to access the 200 euro fuel bonus](https://i0.wp.com/www.cityrumors.it/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/fare-benzina_09122023_cityrumors.it_.jpg?resize=740%2C450&ssl=1)
It is therefore important to check whether the service station adheres to the initiative created with the aim of eliminate barriers and obstacles. The list of participating distributors is present on the Unione Petrolifera website where they are well divided both by region and by city (there are over 430 in total). Furthermore, a special logo was also designed to make it even easier to identify the petrol station. The initiative was born following the signing of the memorandum of understanding by FAIP Onlus together with the Oil Union and the associations Fegica CISI, FAIB Confesercenti and Figisc/Anisa Confcommercio.
Returning to the petrol bonus instead, it allocation for the measure is equal to 300 million and it will be recognized to those who have already received the social card. It should also be noted that the 200 euro fuel bonus already exists, in this case reserved for employers of private companies but also of third sector bodies and professional firms: they can allocate it to employees, also in this case with the aim of combating the increase in fuel prices.
2023-12-10 13:30:19
#Petrol #discounts #bonus #Cityrumors #Abruzzo