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Petrol, diesel and methane: only one will survive (and already today it is the only one on the rise)

Although lately there is nothing more than an electric car, this technology is still reserved for a few and it will take years before it becomes truly widespread. For now, the three types of fuel in a car remain the classic petrol diesel and LPG.

However, the market shows quite marked trends which demonstrate the need to save units the evolution of these engines is going in a very specific direction. Let’s start immediately from what currently seems to be the great loser of the three and that is diesel. European regulations increasingly focused on ecology are penalizing more and more this type of diet that was once the favorite of those who wanted to save.

More and more decisive trends, waiting for the electric one

Diesel is increasingly indigestible to both authorities fighting against pollution and motorists, and market trends clearly demonstrate this. Petrol engines are also in decline. Here, too, the fault lies with the cost of fuels and regulations which, although they do not strike hard against diesel engines, nevertheless come to have a device effect. The real winner at least in the evolution of market trends is LPG. But beyond the easy considerations, what is it that is driving consumers towards LPG. Point First of all, it is clear that the first reason is in the operating cost. The fuel for an LPG car impacts the motorist’s accounts for about half as much as gasoline. This is already clearly a strong reason. The difficulty of finding LPG columns is always decreasing.

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The old reasons that once deviated from the GPL, namely danger and poor performance, are now largely superseded from the technical evolution leaving practically only advantages.

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Lastly, it must be said that the LPG system is considerably more ecological. Therefore it allows us to respect the environment as well as if it is far from the long-awaited electric motor, however, it is also far from the environmental impact of diesel and petrol.

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