Peter Kriston a Marriage at first sight the general public got to know him in the show. The coach, who looks like a real macho from the outside, quickly proved to the viewers that his heart is as big as his biceps. And his love also goes to his puppy, who is also called Peti – Petike – in a very heartwarming way. As he said, the choice of name was not born out of egoism, it was just that the breeder called the puppy that way – after his future owner – when he was still too small to be taken home, and that’s how the name stuck.
Photo: Instagram
“Petike will be ten years old this September, but even for me he is a surprisingly young and tough little chihuahua. To this day, they still think he’s a kid. A dog breeder friend had a litter. They breed Labradors, but sometimes chihuahuas are also born. Then I said: »When, if not now?« They’re pretty strange little animals, if you don’t get good, but we’ve been together for 9 and a half years. If chihuahuas weren’t born there then, maybe I still wouldn’t have a dog,” revealed a hot! magazine the personal trainer.
She consciously raises her puppy
Peti revealed that although chihuahuas are often considered to be aggressive, tense animals, he believes that with training – and a little luck – all of this can be completely eliminated in the case of the breed.
“I raised her pretty hard, but I swear there are some things she understands without learning. For example, if I tell him to lie on his blanket, he walks over and lies down – I don’t even have to say it out loud. You can get on the bed and the sofa, but there are taboos in the apartment. There is order and discipline at home, but also love”
On the street, it’s “squealing”, so it turns on the ankle when it comes to that. He struggles, but I think it comes from his inner anxiety. Everyone is surprised by how cuddly and playful he is when he is at home. He spins for a while, then either walks away or lies down on my lap.
– the ex-husband gave a glimpse into their relationship.