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Peterson will continue to lead the Latvian Floorball Union

29 out of 32 members were represented at the general meeting, which was sufficient for a quorum. At the end of the general meeting, the new LFS board and presidential elections took place. First, the LFS board was elected, with two of the 12 members being young.

Elected to the Board of LFS: Ilvi Pētersons (association “Kocēnu sporta klubs”), Egils Sveili (association “Florbola klubs” Kurši “”), Rasa Siliņa (Pļaviņas municipality), Inita Dimanti (association “Florbola klubs Jēkabpils”), Ansi Kusiņa ( Association “Sports Club” Lielvārde “”), Mārtiņš Maķevics (Association “Floorball Club” Talsi “”), Ilmārs Blumbergs (Association “Sports and Active Recreation Club”), Artis Drēziņš (Association “MMK Devil & Witches”), Jurijs Fedulovs (Association “Floorball club” Rīgas Lauvas “”), Andris Dzeni (association “Latvian Youth Progress Union”), Sandis Kārkliņš (foundation “Valmieras sporta klubs”), Ivo Solomahinu (association “Kuldīga floorball club”).

After the election of the board, the president of the LFS was elected – Peterson was elected to this position, whose candidacy was supported by 25 delegates, but two voted against and two abstained.

Peterson has been managing LFS since 2008.

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