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Peter Weber Thinks The Drama Shows The Process ‘Is Working’ and Doesn’t Regret Much

One of the staples of Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor so far is all of the drama. Yes, the franchise is known for dramatic situations, big personalities, and tons of crying. However, this season has exhausted viewers’ tolerance for drama. Maybe it’s the frequency of the fights, or maybe it’s the things the women are fighting over, but either way, some fans are already bored of it. However, the bachelor himself said that while there are things he could change, he wouldn’t. Plus, he sees the drama as proof that the show “is working.”

Peter Weber with his contestants on 'The Bachelor.'
Peter Weber with his contestants on ‘The Bachelor’ | Eric McCandless via Getty Images

Peter Weber admits it’s “not easy” dating as ‘The Bachelor’

While appearing on Good Morning America on Feb. 4, he talked about how it feels to rewatch his season as it airs and if he regrets anything. “You know, it’s crazy for me to watch to watch back live,” Weber said. “There’s moments where I’m like why did I do that? But again, living in the moment — or being in the moment — dating that many women is not easy, so I know I made so many mistakes and I’m sorry … It’s just very, very difficult.”

So far, Kelsey and Hannah Ann had a fight about Hannah Ann opening a special bottle of champagne. She was very distraught over it for four days, according to Tammy. And then Sydney called Alayah out on not being real, to her face and then to Weber. That spilled over into the rest of the house, and the latest drama revolves around Tammy, Kelsey, and Sydney. Yes, it’s a lot.

Weber admits he’s a little easy on people sometimes

Alayah came back and Weber gave her a rose, which caused a lot of the women to turn on him, too. Deandra told Weber that she’d “never felt so under-recognized by somebody,” and that Weber giving Alayah the rose felt like “the biggest slap in the face.” Weber was very apologetic, and he told Good Morning America that he wishes he had been a little more firm at moments.

“If there’s anything maybe I wish I would have put my foot down a little bit more during certain situations,” he said, although that doesn’t mean he regrets anything. “But I also know the type of person I am, and I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I love to see the good in people and I know that’s kind of coming off on screen.” He also is well aware of the audience’s feelings towards him as the bachelor. “People are frustrated with me, but that’s just me being me — and I’m not going to change,” he said.

Weber thinks all the drama is a good thing, overall

In an interesting take, Weber also thinks the drama that’s weighing on viewers is actually not a bad thing. “Obviously you don’t like to see that as you’re going through the whole experience, but I kept looking back on it … that drama kind of showed this is working,” he said.

While that’s definitely an unconventional way to look at the drama that’s taken over the season, he has his reasons. “If all the women were just getting along super well they probably wouldn’t have been super into me,” he reasoned. “And if it would have been too easy it wouldn’t be a good thing, but it definitely interfered with some stuff … I just tried to weed through that drama as best as possible and make the best decision in that time that I could.”

It seems like Weber has a really positive outlook on this season, which might be a good sign going into the second half of it.

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