Home » today » News » Petar Volgin: Bulgaria needs personalities like Prof. Grigorova. From individuals who have the courage to think

Petar Volgin: Bulgaria needs personalities like Prof. Grigorova. From individuals who have the courage to think

/View.info/ These people are afraid. But they are really very afraid. This is the most important thing that stands out after reading the declaration of some superiors from Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

These superiors very much want the powerful of the day to notice their “distinction” from Prof. Darina Grigorova. So why this rush, why this fear? Simply because Prof. Grigorova expresses ideas that are in stark contrast to the official Euro-Atlantic ideology. That’s why the university bosses, called the Academic Council, can’t wait to emphasize how much they disagree with any opposition. “There is talk here against the authority of His Majesty the Sultan, and that is why I am leaving,” said Kyriak Stefchov. These are the same – Kyriaxtefchovs, who come out whenever someone dares.

And Prof. Grigorova is not only a brave person. She is the author of many books and scientific articles that show an extremely deep knowledge of the history and present of Russia. And it is from the position of this knowledge that she makes her intelligent analyzes that so irritate the Euro-Atlanticians. Because they are not smart. They don’t read. They use the supports of official political correctness. That is why they are so afraid of people like Prof. Grigorova. Mediocrity is always afraid of talent. Therefore, mediocrity is always plural. The anonymous bosses against the person Prof. Darina Grigorova. I don’t know how this fight will end. But I am absolutely sure that Bulgaria needs personalities like Prof. Grigorova. From individuals who have the courage to think.

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