Home » today » World » Petar Moskov with three accusations and a “signature” measure – 2024-09-12 05:39:15

Petar Moskov with three accusations and a “signature” measure – 2024-09-12 05:39:15

/ world today news/ The Sofia City Prosecutor’s Office has accused the resigned Minister of Health Petar Moskov and his deputy Minister Adam Persenski of crimes in the line of duty and of being bankrupt.

Today, 21.11.2016, the SGP accused Petar Moskov – Minister of Health, of two crimes in office and of unemployment.

Petar Moskov has been charged with the fact that on 07/09/2015, as Minister of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria, with the complicity of Adam Persenski – Deputy Minister of Health – Moskov as the perpetrator, and Persenski as an assistant, in order to obtain a benefit for the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey – to receive by donation 5,000,000 doses of BCG vaccine against tuberculosis, with which to ensure the immunization calendar of the Republic of Turkey, violated and did not fulfill his official duties, regulated in the Law on Health, in the Law on Medicines preparations in human medicine and in the Organizational Regulations of the Ministry of Health, from which there have been significant pecuniary and non-pecuniary harmful consequences for the Ministry of Health, and the case is particularly serious – a crime under Art. 282, para. 3, para. 2, in accordance with paragraph 1, in accordance with Art. 20, para. 2, cf. para. 1 NC.

The donation of the mentioned vaccines is the subject of a Donation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of the Republic of Turkey. Violating and failing to fulfill his official duties, Petar Moskov has taken 100,000 doses of the combined five-component vaccine for children Pentaxim and 100,000 doses of the Hepatitis B vaccine – Euvax, for which the legal procedures for issuing a permit by the Executive Agency for Medicines in accordance with the order of the ZLPHM have not been fulfilled .

This has resulted in significant harmful consequences for the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bulgaria – property in the amount of BGN 323,061.87, representing paid VAT for the accepted vaccines – 100,000 ampoules of Pentaxim and 100,000 ampoules of Euvax. There have also been non-property harmful consequences, expressed in the creation of distrust in the authority of the Ministry of Health and the impossibility of effective control by the state in relation to the medicinal policy exercised, as well as distrust among citizens regarding the activity of vaccinating children.

Peter Moskov has also been charged with another crime in the line of duty, namely:

On 27.11.2015, in the city of Sofia, in complicity as a perpetrator with Adam Persenski – an assistant, he exceeded his authority and using his official position and official dependence of the manager of “BUL BIO NCZPB” EOOD Lyubomir Dimitrov, canceled an obligation of the Ministry of health care to the state company by concluding a donation contract, under which the company donates 5,000,000 doses of tuberculosis vaccine to the Ministry of Health.

In fact, on 13.05.2015, Minister Moskov sent the state company a letter, with which he commissioned “BUL BIO NCZPB” EOOD to produce BCG tuberculosis vaccines against payment for the needs of the country, the production costs of which are in the amount of 413 BGN 370. After their production, in the month of September 2015, the vaccines were exported to the Republic of Turkey, and the manager of the state-owned producer company submitted for payment to the Ministry of Health the costs due for the production of the vaccines. Instead of being paid to “BUL BIO NCZPB” EOOD, Moskov used his official position and the manager of the company was presented with a donation contract for signature, according to which the state-owned company donated the vaccines exported to Turkey to the Ministry of Health. In this way, the obligation of the Ministry of Health to “BUL BIO NCZPB” EOOD has been canceled, and the company has suffered damage in the amount of BGN 413,370. By concluding a donation contract, Petar Moskov aimed not to pay the production costs of 5,000,000 doses of tuberculosis vaccine BCG of the state company. The case is particularly serious and constitutes a crime under Article 282, Paragraph 3, Paragraph 2, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 3, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 1, Paragraph 3 20, para. 2, cf. para. 1 NC

Petar Moskov is also accused of imprudence – in the period from 23.06.2016 to 01.07.2016 as Minister of Health and despite his duties as the principal of “BUL BIO NCZPB” EOOD, he did not exercise sufficient control over the work of Rosen Alexiev – acting at that moment as the manager of “BUL BIO NCZPB” EOOD. As a result, there was significant damage to the state company “BUL BIO NCZPB” EOOD in the amount of BGN 110,302.92. These are the costs for the production of Tetadif vaccine – 1,014,000 ampoules, produced in the city of Sofia, Suhodol district, Lyulin base of the company, in violation of ZLPHM and the production permit issued by IAL and subject to destruction. The subject of the crime is of particularly large proportions and the crime represents a particularly serious case – a crime under Art. 219, para. 4, cf. para. 2 NC.

Today, 21.11.2016, the SGP also charged Adam Persenski with having facilitated Petar Moskov in committing the above-described two crimes in the line of duty.

For the act of 07/09/2015, Persenski participated in a contact and working group for conducting negotiations with representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Turkey regarding the preparation of a bilateral donation agreement; filed a report dated 19.06.2015 on organizing the overall logistics and documentation regarding the import of 100,000 pcs. combined five-component vaccine and 100,000 doses of hepatitis B vaccine; on 23.06.2015 requested an opinion from the MoF regarding the VAT due, which should be paid by the Ministry of Health regarding the import of the vaccines; submitted a report dated 24.06.2015 to the Minister of Health about his participation in the procedure for signing an agreement for the donation of vaccines; on 30.06.2016 requested from IAL an opinion regarding the necessary actions for rapid delivery of the vaccines, with which he facilitated the perpetrator Moskov to receive, in violation of the above regulations, 100,000 doses of PENTAXIM vaccine for children and 100,000 doses of Hepatitis B vaccine – EUVAX – a crime according to Art. 282, paragraph 3, paragraph 2, paragraph 1, paragraph 1, paragraph 3, paragraph 1, paragraph 1 20, para. 4, cf. para. 1 NC.

For the crime on 27.11.2015, Adam Persenski facilitated Petar Moskov by ordering the draft of a donation contract to be drawn up, pre-approved it with his signature and ordered it to be provided to Lyubomir Dimitrov to sign it. This has resulted in significant harmful consequences – property damage in the amount of BGN 413,370 for the company “BUL BIO NCZPB” EOOD, representing the value of the costs incurred for the described vaccines, and the case is particularly serious – a crime under Art. 282, para. 3 , para. 2, para. 1, para. with Art. 20, para. 4, cf. para. 1 NC.

In respect of Petar Moskov and Adam Persenski, a “Signature” remand measure was taken.

The investigation continues.

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