Home » today » World » Petar Kichashki: Only 4 schools in Sofia are accessible to children with disabilities –

Petar Kichashki: Only 4 schools in Sofia are accessible to children with disabilities –

/ world today news/ “The municipality has a great sin towards the disadvantaged people. Conditions for disabled people are one telltale sign that separates developed from primitive countries. Unfortunately, Sofia is and continues to be one of the most unwelcoming cities in Europe, both for people with disabilities and for everyone else. Only 4 schools in Sofia are accessible to children with disabilities, the sidewalks and the urban environment in general are not accessible at all,” said Petar Kichashki, candidate for municipal councilor from BSP Left Bulgaria.

Today, a demonstration was made of how inaccessible the urban environment in Sofia is for disadvantaged people. The candidate for mayor of Sofia of the BSP Left Bulgaria professor Mihail Mirchev, the leader of the lists for municipal councilors Kaloyan Pargov, candidates for municipal councilors and regional mayors, and deputies from the BSP Left Bulgaria walked the road from the underpass of Sofia University to the building of the Capital Municipality using wheelchairs. The participants in the demonstration were extremely hampered by the steep ramps in the Sofia University underpass, high curbs, broken sidewalks and parked cars. Street lanes were the only wheelchair accessible space.

“You can’t understand how these people feel unless you put yourself in their shoes. It can be seen that the negligence of the Metropolitan Municipality is complete. This is the situation that disadvantaged people find themselves in – they have to overcome these obstacles on a daily basis. A metropolitan municipality has not taken care to make the life of disabled people a little easier. We saw that the curbs in Sofia are very high, the subway ramps are too steep for their purpose, and the sidewalks are broken. As soon as we enter the management of Sofia, we will start building appropriate ramps and elevators in the subways, including the infamous subway. We will make life easier for people with disabilities in Sofia. We will make sure that the urban environment actually becomes accessible to these people,” Kaloyan Pargov was emphatic.

“Unfortunately, Sofia is one of the cities with the most inaccessible environment for people with disabilities. From this point of view, by European standards, we are one of the most backward municipalities. The next mayor of Sofia must make a serious investment in this area, so that all boulevards, schools, administrative buildings and the entire urban environment can be more accessible for people with disabilities,” said the BSP candidate for mayor of Sofia Professor Mihail Mirchev .

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