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Pescara Concert Chaos: Fans Clash with Security Ahead of Pooh’s New Year Show

Tensions running high before the concert Poohscheduled today, Monday 1 January, at Pescara. Fans queuing to watch the show especially contested the management of entrances. The security checks of the concert area, in fact, as reported by the Messenger, would have been performed only after 3pm. Furthermore, all those who had arrived early would have been made to leave to take the best seats under the stage. Those who arrived from outside the region were especially angry, fearing for a moment that they had lost the place they had won.

After the security guards approached the queue, the complaints began: “Are we joking?“, said a lady. When the employee asked to take a step back, however, a boy replied: “You take a step back”. Someone else shouted: “No, it’s not okay”. The spirits, in short , they warmed up quite a bit. Then, after the initial protests, calm returned when the staff present there explained to the fans that it was only for safety reasons and nothing else. In recent days, the mayor Carlo Masci he had spoken of the “largest stage ever mounted in Pescara for a concert event for 30,000 people”. The band’s free live show will be held in the afternoon, starting from 6.30 pm, on the spaces of the resulting area.

2024-01-01 16:33:00

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