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Perwatusi: Osteoporosis needs serious attention

Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Association of Indonesian Citizens of Healthy Bones (Perwatusi) said that osteoporosis is currently a disease that requires serious attention.

Perwatusi president Anita A Hutagalung said osteoporosis can cause fractures, body defects, and can even cause complications and even death.

“Treatment of osteoporosis will require a very high cost and will take a long time to become a prolonged pain,” he said in a written statement in Jakarta on Friday.

The strength of bone minerals, he continued, is unconsciously reduced, which causes large holes in the trabecular structure of the bones during osteoporosis, so that bones become brittle and break easily when exposed to impact. Therefore, osteoporosis is also known as the silent epidemic.

“Osteoporosis is a threat to human life. The statistics in 2021 say that there are about 200 million people with osteoporosis worldwide,” he said.

According to him, by 2050, it is estimated that 6.3 million people will suffer a hip fracture every year worldwide, more than half of them in Asia.

In Indonesia, Anita continued, osteoporosis is already at a level to watch, reaching 19.7 percent of the total population, where 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men in Indonesia have osteoporosis or fractures.

“Many Indonesians don’t understand the importance of physical activity and the nutrition they consume,” he said.

In connection with this, his party has partnered with a number of parties to commit to reducing the number of osteoporosis in Indonesia.

“This collaboration commits us to reduce the incidence of osteoporosis and to take the initiative to carry out activities so that Indonesians are aware of the risk of osteoporosis so that they know how to prevent it,” said Anita.

Perwatusi appreciates the support of Lemineral and Mayora Group in the form of funds for the supply of drinking water in 4 areas that implement the agenda towards the National Osteoporosis Day (HON) nationwide. National Osteoporosis Day or HON is always celebrated every 20 October of each year.

In addition, on October 23, Entrasol support carried out simultaneous checks with the Osteosys tool on thousands of people in four cities, 12 provinces and 47 districts of the country.

Read also: The Perwatusi-Entrasol collaboration celebrates the culmination of National Osteoporosis Day

Read also: Perwatusi: The momentum of the day of osteoporosis maintains bone density

Read also: Perwatusi the idea of ​​the national movement against osteoporosis

Journalist: Subagio
Publisher: Alviansyah Pasaribu

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