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Peru: Council of Ministers raised 6 regions and 36 provinces to quarantine at

At noon, President Martín Vizcarra announced that 5 regions and 34 provinces of the country will enter quarantine due to the increase in cases and deaths from the new coronavirus (COVID-19).

However, after the Council of Ministers it has specified that there are 6 regions and 36 provinces where the targeted quarantine will govern.

Added to this is the department of Madre de Dios and the provinces that Anta, Canchis, Espinar and Quispicanchis (Cusco) that the president did not mention in the afternoon.

Initial overview

Before the issuance of the standard, the panorama was only for the five regions, such as: Arequipa, Ica, Junín, Huánuco and San Martín and others the 34 provinces of various regions, as announced by President Martín Vizcarra.

In the mentioned list are: Tambopata and Iberia located in the Madre de Dios region; Pasco (Pasco); Huamanga and Huanta in Ayacucho; Santa, Casma and Huaraz in Áncash; Mariscal Nieto and Ilo in Moquegua; Tacna (Tacna); Cusco and La Convencion in Cusco.

Too, Puno and San Román located in the Puno region; Cajamarca, Jaén and San Ignacio in Cajamarca; Bagua, Condorcanqui and Utcubamba in Amazonas; Abancay and Andahuaylas in Apurímac; Barranca, Huaura, Cañete and Huaral in Lima; Virú, Pacasmayo, Chepén and Ascope in La Libertad; Huancavelica, Angaraes and Tayacaja in Huancavelica.

“Today in the Council of the Minister we are approving a decree that modifies the previous one that is valid for the month of August where we are incorporating new provinces to this focused quarantine, we mean that 5 departments and 34 provinces enter a total quarantine,” said Vizcarra.

It is worth mentioning that the previous decree announced that the quarantine that was in force until August 31 was for 5 regions and 20 provinces of the country.

On the other hand, the head of state who announced this afternoon a series of measures to stop the increase in infections.

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