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Peru: Coronavirus | Minsa: Peru exceeds 500 thousand accumulated infections of C

The Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported this Thursday that the number of positive cases of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country rose to 507,996. It is about 9,441 new infections, which are added to the 498,555 on Wednesday.

At a press conference, the Deputy Minister of Public Health, Luis Suárez, said this Thursday that in Peru there are 507,996 confirmed cases since the detection of the first case.

The Government decided to extend the state of emergency until August 31 in order to contain the advance of coronavirus infections in the country. In addition, it extended the targeted quarantine until the same date, but with modifications in relation to the one established during July.

The strict quarantine is maintained in six regions of the country: Arequipa, Ica, Junín, Huánuco, San Martín and Madre de Dios; and also in 36 provinces of another 13 departments.

They are the provinces of Pasco (Pasco); Huamanga and Huanta in Ayacucho; Santa, Casma and Huaraz in Áncash; Mariscal Nieto and Ilo in Moquegua; Tacna (Tacna); Cusco, La Convencion, Anta, Canchis, Espinar and Quispicanchis in Cusco.

Also, Puno and San Román located in the Puno region; Cajamarca, Jaén and San Ignacio in Cajamarca; Bagua, Condorcanqui and Utcubamba in Amazonas; Abancay and Andahuaylas in Apurímac; Barranca, Huaura, Cañete and Huaral in Lima; Virú, Pacasmayo, Chepén and Ascope in La Libertad; Huancavelica, Angaraes and Tayacaja in Huancavelica.

It should be noted that the schedule established for the curfew goes from 10:00 pm to 4:00 am in Lima and other cities in the country, except for the areas where the focused quarantine governs, which will be in effect from 8 am: 00 pm until 4:00 am

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