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Pertamina supports the government’s use of CNG for modes of transportation

JakartaPertamina fully supports the government guidelines for the use of fuel gas for modes of transport. This support is accomplished through the implementation of DDF (Diesel Dual Fuel), a combination of diesel and CNG (Compresses Natural Gas) which was launched yesterday at Plumpang Terminal on Tuesday (27/12).

The implementation of the use of methane is a synergy within the energy transition carried out by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga as manager of the Logistics Tank Car and PT Pertamina Gas Negara (PGN) Tbk. as a natural gas supplier.

PGN innovates in the mobile supply of SPBG and LNG/CNG Trucking to accelerate the energy mix from gas, both for transport and for industry.

The use of methane for modes of transport is Pertamina’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions, where the carbon emissions of natural gas are 40% lower than fuel oil.

On the other hand, Indonesia has the potential for large gas reserves, so to realize national energy independence and sovereignty, it is very important to accelerate the increase of domestically produced gas energy mix.

The Director General of Oil and Gas (Dirjen Migas) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Tutuka Ariadji, appreciates and at the same time encourages Pertamina’s steps in implementing the DDF on tank wagons.

According to him, this is also in line with Pertamina’s program regarding Net Zero Emissions in 2060. He also hopes that in 2024 the DDF can be implemented in 89 Pertamina tank wagons.

“We recognize that Pertamina has made an important contribution in this field, using gas with PGN and Pertamina Patra Niaga in terms of CNG supply and distribution. We will continue to encourage further contributions in the future, especially with the DDF on this Pertamina tanker ,” Tutuka said in a written statement. .

Moreover, Tutuka also expressed his appreciation for Pertamina who distributed it to all corners of the country while maintaining energy security.

Indonesia is a country where it is very difficult to distribute their energy. So I really appreciate Pertamina that up to now they have been able to do that, and we don’t have a shortage of (energy) supply to this day,” he said.

Meanwhile, PT Pertamina’s (Persero) director of logistics and infrastructure, Erry Widiastono, said the DDF implementation represented Pertamina’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions and implement ESG (environmental, social and governance) in the company.

“It is hoped that with the implementation of the DDF, the operating costs will be more efficient, the use of CNG volume will also increase according to the target of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources 47/2021, and an ecosystem for the use of BBG as a transition energy will be created,” Erry said.

In addition, Heru Setiawan, director of strategy and business development at PGN, said PGN, as Pertamina’s gas subholding company, fully supports Pertamina’s BBG conversion program. PGN has the goal of expanding the use of CNG for land transport over the next 5 (five) years. It is hoped that the conversion to BBG for fuel logistics trucks will further improve the optimization of SPBGs.

“Using the DDF will save up to 30% on fuel costs for dual fuel trucks. Technically, the DDF has met safety standards, including those of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, the Ministry of Labor, from the Ministry of Transportation, from the Ministry of Industry,” Heru explained.

PGN aims to convert 1,000 truck/bus units over the next five years. Gradually, around 18,000 small vehicles will also be converted to natural gas.

PGN has prepared 57 SPBG locations, including the Mobile Refulling Unit (MRU) to supply and distribute CNG, in the form of CNG for land transport. The CNG and its ground vehicle support infrastructure will be provided by PGN’s subsidiary, PT Gagas Energi Indonesia.

SPBG headquarters will be spread across Riau Islands, South Sumatra, Lampung, Banten, DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, East Java and Kalimantan. SPBG headquarters is located on the main Sumatra-Java route and domestic logistics route, so as to encourage Pertamina to convert logistics trucks using CNG.

PGN’s innovation provides mobile SPBG and LNG/CNG Trucking, which is an effort to accelerate the energy mix from gas, for both transportation and industry.

In the initial phase, the Gas Transport Module (GTM) and Mobile Refueling Unit (MRU) will be used to supply refueling trucks with methane. The next phase is the revitalization of the Plumpang SPBG to supply CNG to trucks and public transport.

“In principle, natural gas for land vehicles is maximized to exploit the potential of domestic natural gas that is still abundant during this energy transition period. As a bonus, natural gas for vehicle fuel can be more efficient and environmentally friendly. Obviously it can contribute to efforts to reduce carbon emissions by up to 40%,” said Heru.

Present at the launch of DDF implementation Director General of Oil and Gas Tutuka Ariadji, Director of Road Transport Facilities Ir. Danto Restyawan, MT, National Transportation Safety Committee (KNKT) Chairman Soerjanto Tjahjono and Hiswana Migas General Chairman Rachmad Muhamadiyah.


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