FAJAR.CO.ID — A sleeping position that becomes a habit can reveal a person’s personality. You may have a favorite sleeping position, such as on your side, on your stomach, or sleeping by clamping a pillow, and so on.
Launch Jagran josh, sleep psychologists and experts around the world have conducted several studies to explain the relationship between our sleeping position and our personality. Our subconscious is the force that influences how we function throughout the day, the way we walk, the coffee we order, the sleeping position, the way we sit, and so on.
Often we do not pay attention to sleeping position. Just curled up in bed with your favorite sleeping position.
Much research has been done by sleep researcher Samuel Dunkell on the relationship between sleeping position and personality traits. Dunkell writes in his book Sleep Positions, “The way we sleep is the way we live.”
The Science of Sleep has been instrumental in proving that sleep can reveal your personality traits which can be categorized as neuroticism, conscientiousness, extroversion, kindness and openness.
The European Journal of Personality states that the quality of sleep you get this week is likely to influence your personality five years from now.
Let’s find out which sleeping positions can reveal your personality.
Sleeping Position: Sleeping on your back
Sleeping on your back reveals the personality of someone who likes to be the center of attention. Having a favorite sleeping position on your back shows you are an optimistic individual who will enjoy being with like-minded people.