First of all, I show all my respects to those who died or became ill and to their families. The same Bolivarian socialist government of Spain that ignored the alerts that the UN and the EU health authorities issued since January 2020 was the one that sent infected ministers and state secretaries to the feminist demonstration in Madrid on March 8 to sneeze in the faces of women participating in that damn congregation. It is very curious to have gone in a matter of a few days from denying the danger to giving it an apocalyptic category, because that government was the one that decreed two states of alarm with their respective forced confinements; the first of three months, six days after the grotesque feminist date on La Gran Vía in Madrid, and the second of six. It was also that government that closed, this is absolutely unusual, the Congress of Deputies and the Senate, preventing the Legislative Power from controlling it and thus being able to assign by finger, without the ordinary procedures of public competition, the purchase of sanitary material from opaque way. Yes, amazing, for everything exposed so far, the executive of the one who walks in Falcon whose state of alarm decrees the Constitutional Court declared unconstitutional; and nothing happened. In other words, the government that robs the Spanish of their liberties and kidnaps the legislative chambers is still there despite the fact that the TC declared its misdeeds illegal. Amazing.
How about now some data? The Sars-Cov 2 virus in Spain has infected thirteen and a half million people and has killed one hundred and fifteen thousand. That is, it has had a morbidity of 36% and a mortality of 0.3%. So, reiterating my respects to those who died, fell ill or suffered and to their families, I strongly affirm that the SARS-Cov 2 virus is moderately contagious but very little dangerous. Despite what has been stated, the socialist partner of Bolivarians, separatists and philoterrorists stopped the economy and shot up the deficit and public debt.
At this point in the summary and having already demonstrated the complete uselessness of the Bolivarian socialist government, I proceed to address the issue of the so-called COVID vaccines. I say bad names because they are not vaccines, if anything they are pharmacologically aspirants to immunoglobulins, but not even that. And this why? Because whoever inoculated said serums did not avoid getting infected; because once infected he did not avoid infecting; because once infected he did not avoid getting sick and because he did not avoid dying either. But there is more. The government forced, in order to recover certain taken rights and freedoms, to be inoculated and obtain a certificate or passport with which to be able to fill closed spaces, making people believe that these spaces were safe when being inoculated, even with a complete schedule, did not prevent being infected or contagious. . Fortunately, the virus was not very deadly, because otherwise, these government-mandated measures would have annihilated the Spanish. I confess that I write all this and I feel embarrassed by the massive teasing carried out by those who govern us. Even the population that was not susceptible to being affected by the virus, children and babies, was inoculated with the sera that neither prevented contagion nor that the infected person was contagious. It’s really very strong. Will this government have succeeded in something? Yes, without a doubt. In instilling fear, in terrifying people, in gagging them, in alienating them from each other, in promoting mistrust, in twitching and confronting. This irresponsible government sowed panic over a pathogen with a mortality rate 3 times lower than that of cardiovascular disease.
As for me, I express my satisfaction because I was rebellious, I analyzed from the beginning, I assumed the proportional and reasonable risk for the morbidity and mortality that the virus initially presented, I rejected the official version, I avoided messenger RNAs, I touched, hugged, I kissed, traveled and frequented my loved ones. I also denounced the president of the government before the State Attorney General’s Office, even proposing as a precautionary measure his immediate arrest and prosecution, but such a complaint only served to leave the FGE itself, the government itself, and the government itself, with their ass exposed. PSOE, which was not little. I have no idea if I have been infected or not. I sure do, but I haven’t even heard about it. Of course, my immune system has been greatly strengthened by the dose of socialism received, and that I had already been vaccinated against this pathogen.