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Personal loans, the most accessible solution being in Financial Credit Institutions

ASNEF is the acronym for the National Association of Credit Financial Establishments. This organization acts as a registry of defaulters like so many others that exist, RAI is also well known. RAI is the acronym for Unpaid Acceptance Registry. id:72372

In these records appear natural or legal persons, companies, that have any unpaid debt to cover. They are generally debts contracted with telephone companies, but loans or credits from individuals are also included.

Appearing in a file of this type is problematic because it greatly prevents access to financing. Sometimes the debt claimed by companies is very small and it is due to disagreements with the issuer of the invoice. The reality is that these files measure the solvency of a person or entity, but they can be dangerous for this matter.

In this way, if a person has a debt contracted and they appear in these files, it is very likely that cannot access a loan or any other financing formula or even that he cannot contract banking services.

How to get out of these files?

Be one more of the names that are noted in these files it does not necessarily imply being a great defaulter or having acted in bad faith. Sometimes not responding to a minor payment such as a telephone bill may be reason enough for the company in question to include the details of the defaulter in that list.

The regulations indicate that, once a name has been included in the ASNEF file, the person has thirty days to be notified and another thirty days from receipt of notification to pay off the debt. Once you do, your data will be removed from the file. If not, do not cover the claimed debt, it will remain on file as delinquent for six years.

At that time, the person will also be able to pay off their debt but they must communicate it by their own means both to the benefactor of the debt and to Financial Credit Institutions in order to be excluded. Nevertheless, in some cases the debt claimed is unfair or not even a debt. It can also happen that once this problem of non-payment is solved, the name of the previous debtor continues to appear in the files.

There is a certain lack of knowledge about the operation of these files, in fact a very common query on the internet is How to know if I am in asnef. Luckily, in case of doubt, there are companies that can prepare complete reports to know the presence in a list of this type and even start the steps to get out of them.

And what happens if the six years pass and the debt has not been covered?

The data of the delinquent person remains on the list for six years as long as the debt is not covered. However, once that time passes, these annotations disappear. This, which might seem like good news, is not such, because Although the entry in ASNEF disappears, the debt (when it is real) is still present.

Until a while ago, ASNEF and other listings were an important brake on financing, since not only could it be the case of being marked as delinquent, but that this debt was not real and that it prevent access to credit.

Fortunately, this situation has changed a lot. The growth of financial entities and solutions that do not take into account the Financial Credit Institutions it has now made it much easier to access financing.

However, many traditional financial institutions continue to operate with these dynamics, keeping very present the lists of defaulters. Therefore, trusting companies that work to find a solution to this situation of delinquency is of great help if you want to receive good financing.

The solution to financing with ASNEF

It is clear that being part of a list of this type is a thorny process and it is well known that there are still limitations when it comes to financing. But there are more and more entities that offer personal loans with asnef, which has a greater chance of solving certain liquidity problems.

If it is true, and it is, that in many cases this inclusion in the files is due to not having paid telephone bills on time, not agreeing on certain charges or errors made by the issuer itself, receive financing by means other than traditional banking it is something that becomes obligatory in some cases.

The appearance of these new credit institutions, the vast majority of which operate through the Internet, is due in part to the deep penetration of the Internet in the day-to-day lives of consumers and the highest confidence in online transactions. In turn, the consumer benefits from the competition itself to capture market share among the entities.

If you have to be in Financial Credit Institutions, the first step is to try to solve the debt when it is real. In case it is an unfair debt, consult with a specialized company. And if you have no choice but to pay that debt, trust entities that do offer financial support.

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