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Perseid Meteor Shower: Enjoy the Spectacle of Shooting Stars Tonight!

Coming night – if the weather is good – many shooting stars can be seen. That can be as many as 40 to 50 per hour. This is the peak of the Perseid meteor shower, which can be admired every August.

Although we talk about shooting stars in the meteor shower, they are not really stars at all. “The meteorites are dust particles from the tail of comet Swift-Tittle and are usually no larger than a grain of sand,” explains Jascha Leeflang of the Gravenland observatory in the radio program. NH Throw the Lunch Club out. “When these burn up in the atmosphere, we see them as shooting stars. They do so at a speed of 200,000 kilometers per hour.”

Earth passes through the core of the dust cloud at around 2 p.m. on Sunday. In the period around it you can spot shooting stars, with the highlight tonight. Then you have the chance to see most of the Perseids. “Preferably as late as possible in the night,” says Leeflang. “But you’ll soon see them.”

Beautiful spectacle

In Het Gooi you can view the spectacle well. Leeflang has tips for seeing the ‘stars’ properly. “Find a spot where you have as little light as possible. Try to avoid lampposts and other indirect light. Give your eyes a rest for at least fifteen minutes, then they are used to the dark and you will certainly see something.”

Unfortunately, the weather is not really on our side tonight. Leeflang: “I don’t think it will be completely clear tonight, but there will certainly be places where you can look through the clouds and see a beautiful spectacle.”

Lucky shot

Leeflang has astrophotography as a hobby and sometimes gives lectures about it at the observatory. “I have a larger device myself. With a mobile phone it is very difficult to take a picture. Then you really need a lucky shot to have. Cameras have a hard time with that. Put it away and stand in a nice spot. Do not look through binoculars or a telescope, as they have a much more limited view than your naked eye. Sit on a camping chair or a rug and enjoy.”

From October 1, the observatory will be open to the public again every Friday evening and lectures will be given.

Listen to the entire interview with Jascha Leeflang in the radio program NH Gooi de Lunchclub via this link.

2023-08-12 15:29:35
#Tonight #chance #special #spectacle #annual #meteor #shower #passes

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