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Peronist Loyalty Day in Argentina: why it is celebrated every October 17


He <a href="https://www.world-today-news.com/peronist-loyalty-day-commemorating-october-17-1945-with-the-best-photos/" title="Peronist Loyalty Day: Commemorating October 17, 1945 with the Best Photos”>Peronist Loyalty Day is celebrated every year on October 17 in Argentina. It is a day in which the militants of the Justicialist Party They meet to remember the historical events that occurred on a day like today, but in 1945, and highlight the main slogans of the political group.

The date of the party celebration commemorates the mass mobilization which focused on the Plaza de Mayoin front of the Casa Rosada, to ask for the release of Juan Domingo Peron, who until a few days before had been vice president, war minister y Secretary of Labor and Welfare. At that time, the politician was detained on Martín García Island by the forces of the de facto government of Edelmiro Farrell that he himself had integrated.

On October 17, the massive strike of workers and union members in support of Juan Domingo Perón is remembered.

As Secretary of Labor, Peron promoted improvements for workers, such as obtaining paid vacationthe institution of aguinaldothe expansion of collective labor agreements and sectoral improvements such as pawn statuswhich regulated rural work. Thus he achieved visibility and a large number of followers among the workerswhich bothered some components of the Military Juntaassociated with the Military Circle and the Campo de Mayo garrison, who asked for his resignation and arrest.

Juan Domingo Perón left his positions on October 10, he was arrested on the 13th “because there were reasons to fear for his life”, as the historian tells Felix Luna in his book The 45, and was taken to Martín García Island. At that time, the leader’s growing popularity and influence scandalized figures in the military class close to Farrell, whose government had been under siege since September 25, when an attempted coup led by Arturo Rawsonand the pressure to call free elections was unsustainable. Added to this was the promotion of his partner Eva Peron as a popular leader, something that many soldiers rejected.

The news of the arrest of Perón made workers, unionists and supporters of the former minister organize in the main columns that walked to Plaza de Mayo to demand the release of political leader. Furthermore, they claimed the social policies that was carried forward and the labor rights that were still to be achieved.

Crowd in the Plaza de Mayo awaiting the arrival of Perón from Martín García Island, October 17, 1945Archive

A crowd surrounded the Pink Housewhere the leaders of the Military Junta observed the panorama. A well-known image of the movement of that October 17 shows thousands of workers concentrated in the center of Buenos Aires and a handful of them with their pants rolled up and their feet inside the water fountain of Plaza de Mayocooling off from the heat on that spring day.

Finally, the insistent social pressure had its effect: Farrell sent for Perón and asked him to speak from the balcony of the Government House to appease the masses who were asking for their freedom. So the man who would be president for three terms gave a speech in front of a square full of workers.

In his words that day, the leader of the nascent Justicialist Party He said: “I have voluntarily renounced the most distinguished honor that a soldier can aspire to: wearing the palms and laurels of general of the Nation. I have done it because I want to continue being the Colonel Peronand put myself with this name at the integral service of the authentic Argentine people. I leave, therefore, the sacred and honorable uniform that the country gave me to wear the civilian jacket and mix with that suffering and sweating mass that creates the work and greatness of the country.”

In this way, he communicated his decision to leave the government and run for office. elections. Less than a year later, in the elections of February 26, 1946, the Perón-Quijano formula won with 52.84 percent of the votes before the Democratic Union and its formula, composed by Jorge Tamborini and Eduardo Mosca. Thus began the first of his two consecutive terms.

The second period as president was interrupted by coup d’état of the “Liberating Revolution” in 1955. For this reason, Perón had to go into exile from our country. In any case, in 1973 he was re-elected for the third time and remained president until his death in 1974.

From that moment, the October 17 was linked to Justicialist movement and it is the date that commemorates the episode of call and support for the figure of Peron.

On October 17, Axel Kicillof will lead an event for Peronist Loyalty DayLeo Vaca -télam

On this date, the followers of peronism Every October 17th they usually demonstrate and participate in different actos to commemorate the Loyalty Day.

In the midst of a strong internal conflict among the leaders of the Justicialist Party for the presidency of the space that was unleashed in recent days, the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillofwill lead an event in Berisso. The former Minister of Economy will be the only speaker at the meeting and it is expected that provincial ministers, mayors, union leaders, social leaders and different representatives of Buenos Aires Peronism will be present to show their support.

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