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Permanently expelled from high school for an insult on Snapchat, the student disputes the accusation

Lina (from the back) reads the screenshot which led to her definitive exclusion from the François-Villon high school in Les Mureaux. Nadia, his mother, asks for compensation. (©Fabien Dézé)

“It’s vrm (really, editor’s note) a big p…. ” It is this messageposted on December 14, 2022, on a private group Snapchatspecific to its ST2S Terminal class, which earned Lina, a 17 year old girlson permanent exclusion of the François-Villon high school Walls (Yvelines), on Thursday January 12, 2023, just a few days away from passing his white bac exams.

Was the teacher targeted?

In conversation, this ‘insulting’ message comes just after a screenshot of a classmate, reporting the email of a ST2S teacher. In the latter one can read : “Unable to continue the course today given the number of students present, tomorrow we will finish context 13 and we will train for the back-to-school white baccalaureate. In other words, no tasting possible. »

Lina is “psychologically exhausted”

This conversation came back quite mysteriously to the ears of the school administration. The latter considered it to be a insulting a teacher. Received by the principal on December 16, 2022, the day of the school holidays, Lina was finally kicked out of high school more than three weeks later, after a disciplinary council which she and her parents did not attend, having, according to their statements, not received the summons.

The details of the rectorate

The rectorate of Versailles wished to make some clarifications following the definitive exclusion of Lina. “As required by procedure, a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt was sent to his family, who were not present on the day of its distribution and did not pick it up at the Post Office. The day of her disciplinary council, the young girl did not wish to appear because her parents were not there. The Disciplinary Board decided to permanently exclude the girl. »
The rectorate then explains that a few days later, on the occasion of the passage of a white baccalaureate test, the young girl, accompanied by several relatives, wished to take the test. “Access was refused to him in accordance with the decision of his suspension by the Disciplinary Board. The people gathered wanted to enter to meet the management. The mother, accompanied by another person, was received by the head of the establishment. The girl’s parents are contesting this decision and have appealed. The departmental directorate of national education services and the rectorate are attentive to the situation and are supporting the teaching team. »

The schoolgirl denies everything

In shock, Lina consulted a psychiatrist the same evening the affair broke out, then another on January 14 after her exclusion. She is in a worrying state of anguish. “A difficult accusation to accept” in his own words. Above all, the high school girl denies everything. “This message was not addressed to my teacher. I was responding to a previous message from a friend. »

For the union representative Sonia Hamdouchywhich follows the case, “Lina’s comments were taken out of context”.

“If we look closely at the teacher’s email, there is no reason to want to insult her”

Sonia HamdouchyCGT union delegate

“Locked up in her room during all the Christmas holidays”, according to her mother Nadia, Lina experienced a new shock when her final exclusion was announced. Student without historyLina claims to have no problem with the ST2S teacher she has been seeing since last year, eight hours a week.

“We don’t give him a chance”

While Nadia stopped working, fearing that her daughter “do something stupid”Sonia Hamdouchy hopes for a turnaround in the coming days.

“This decision must be reversed and she must return to take her exams. She never had discipline problems, neither in school, nor in college, nor in high school. And there, we don’t give him a chance. I hope that the rectorate will have the lucidity to let him continue his year. From the month of March, she must pass her baccalaureate specialty tests.

Sonia HamdouchyCGT union representative

Contacted on Monday January 23, 2023, the management of the François-Villon high school did not wish to communicate on the subject and referred us to the rectorate.

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