Post-influenza exists and can have a serious impact on a person’s health. But more often it is expressed by a prolonged cough up to two to four weeks, wheezing in the lungs and asthmatic manifestations that the patient might not have known about before – they talk about themselves after a viral infection. In older patients, shortness of breath may also join.
“Two to four weeks of coughing is normal. This happens because there is an influence on the bronchial tree. We live in a cold region, there is a desquamation of the epithelium (peeling, tightness – Note. ed.), and after the virus, the epithelium does not immediately recover, the doctor explains. – Chronic cough can become in those who were initially compromised, a person could simply not have been diagnosed before. Problems are mainly in those who have had smoker’s bronchitis, or allergy sufferers.